
A Private Paper on philosophy

 I put forward a certain philosophical question on Note. Hitting upon this idea, I immediately posted it. 
 At first, by no means did I imagine that such a question like this would stimulate curiosity of my followers. 
 However, once I put forward it, many noters answered the question. In a good sense, I was much surprised. 

 As my question is abstract, the answer to it is different from person to person. But each answer I received so far seems to me all correct in its own way. 

 Philosophy exists not for the sake of a definite answer but for the sake of the process itself in an effort to seek an answer that seems to be true. 

🍁Misa TK san, thank you for your entry.




文法をイメージでとらえること、文学の英語など。大人の学び直しの英語教科書。 エッセイも多く含みます。初級者から上級者まで、英語が好きな人が…
