

★タイトル title★

風の鶏  2017年 個人蔵
Image of the wind god fujin 2017 Private collection

★コンセプト concept★

The breed is Nagoya Cochin, so I got the impression of a calm brown hair color that is different from white chicken.

The figure of a chicken standing on a tree in me overlapped with the image of the Takamiya Sotatsu's figure of the wind god Raijin.

★ストーリー story★

鶏が木の上で寝ることを知らなかった私は、地面を一生懸命探していました。ふと見上げると、木の上に数羽が止まっていました。I didn't know the chickens would sleep on the tree, so I was looking hard for the ground. I looked up and found a few birds perched on the tree.

当時は鶏が木に登ることを知らなかったので、「飛べないはずの鶏が木の上にいる!!」と感動してかっこいいなあ、と思ったのをよく覚えています。At that time, I didn't know that a chicken climbed a tree, so I often remember that I was impressed by the fact that there was a chicken that I couldn't fly on!

I was awake at the sketching stage, so I couldn't see her sleeping.

The dignified appearance was the image of "Fujin Raijin-zu" by Sotatsu Tawaraya, so I drew that image.

This "the wind god fujin" uses a cold color to contrast with "the thunder god Raijin".

I also wanted to create a dignified atmosphere, so I drew the tail part with a particular sense of violence so that I could give it overall strength.

