実験的格言 はなみず橋の前に碧眼の嫉妬 experimental aphorism green-eyed Jealousy before the Bridge without Seeing the Flower
実験的格言 はなみず橋の前に碧眼の嫉妬 experimental aphorism green-eyed Jealousy before the Bridge without Seeing the Flower
(BGMは「緑眼のジェラシー」、同人音楽サークル TAMUSICのTAM3-0136 「錦の東方子守唄」より)
according to my observation,
all true friendship begins with mutual jealousy,
and ends with empathy and respect, from either party or both.
for what are friends, but green-eyed snakes with medicine-cure
dripping from their shiny fangs, while you too a snake with a snake
in shared fervent passion, intoxicating,
clasp ye twin-wreathed biting embrace;
upon each's cheek a guiltless kiss!
and when the Sun's setting to die, each with
their cold and slippery scale, with some stolen heat,
slithering again, exclaiming life,
in their wait for tomorrow's golden fortune, again,
once more they slip their way into the shady grass!
When one would earnestly like to befriend, verily,
they are jealous of the other's fortune, talent and fate,
a life they would never own…ach if I could be the thief
that could steal away a portion of my friends' mortal life…
to know their secret joy, or woe I may never know, God.
For I am as I am. Those who seek good friendship,
always are beggars and lepers, shameful, imperfect, impaired.
Wanting the triumphs---and thus asking good friends to share…
the immortal triumphs of Humanity against eternal Nothing.
But when we must know our limit and impotence, Oh Life
when one has grown ill and fearful of one's or other's surfeited fortune through tragic life's wanton increase…
would share or to be shared no more
if even the extended hand of universal friendship could not deliver us any longer,
or that we ourselves from heart's weariness do helping friends refuse.
such a big blunder in life, an inexcusable excuse…we have
therefore declared ourselves before us.
Let good friends who have heard thus, part so
with empathy, then---to someone else' misfortune they must turn,
for as for now, begging a penniless man under his luck to have more
is asking for his doom…thus do we
administer friendship's bitter and cruel mercy…Ye who have denied
the good in the stolen alms…we must leave thee…
Respecting that failure, though leaving one to gracefully expire.
When one must stand alone, and do no more begging.
In the lowest of life one must learn to live like a friendless Prince.
heroically alone against the fate that denied him.
the fate that perhaps still demands from his erstwhile joy-mates sorrow's wergild…
and do not call that Disgust, when we look at the ones,
wronged us, wronged the ways of the world, or wronged themselves.
nor Desert nor Pity,
he or she was but too wounded, and fatigued.
though relentless,
we should trouble them no more.
therefore I call, that if a man comes at ye with green jealous eye.
deliver him, and let him deliver thee also, to some higher joy against fate's whimsical lot.
and in misfortune and disgrace badly turned out, when we fall through tears, do not blame friends that leave…
they know perfectly well the benefit of, and are kind in providing it with thee, the boon that is the absence of companionship
a present of the black and solemn sky, and silent and thorny road of the mundane world, that
All human must tread at the end alone, for once, in exalted and exhilarating despair,
against the eternal darkly night. though neither have we more hope of
deliverance from the fear of flesh or soul;
"nor have we any pain…"
"nor have we any pain…"*1
when we must prepare for ourself the journey to the Other Shore, after we have received the sentence of our justly destined doom,
for the last time all the human beings that have abandoned you through their absolute faith in friendship, gathering around, would come and some say a few sorry or sad but good-humored words in place of goodbye, some exchange embraces or even kisses, but all of them
may look upon your resolute and dignified mien one last time, the face of a Warrior-Prince; with some mortal jealousy, to a fate yet again they may never know,
your private joy of that moment, with a tinge of lukewarm shadowy orange halo, aha! that treasure, let them cast their jealous eyes upon you like petty nobles' and peasants' upon the boast-worthy newly found treasure of a King! And let yourself hold it tightly in your palm, your entire fortune, and your quickening life's last treasure-trove, like a gifted ring, with pride.
even before the Bridge for those Who-has-Never-Seen-the-Flower-Bloom (はなみずばし、あの場所に至るまでさえ、はなを見ず。。。はなを知らず。。)*3
with thy beautifully jealous green-eye (あの麗しき嫉妬の碧眼で。),
little Monster called Man (人という小さいな化け物や)
when the Sun must go DOWN. *2 (貴方の太陽が沈む時には。。。)
*1 Nietzsche "Hymnus an das Leben"
*2 (der Untergang, Katabasis) 超人の死
*3 はなみずばし。タイトルの写真。note.comでそれを偶然見つけった。ダジャレです。
(I found this picture that says はなみずばし on a blogsite. it means flower-water bridge, or 花水 which means the libation of water in front of ancestral graves in buddhist rites commerating the dead. also it is the term used to describe the water from the ear of ripe rice plant that drop into the muddy rice-paddy below in autumn..but if you change the kanji to 花見ず, it means "never seen the flower")