あるイタリア語のマカロンニア体詩の解釈 My re-interpretation of an Italian macronea

原作者 original author Michele di Bartolomeo degli Odasi (c. 1450–1492), ペンネーム pen name Tifi (dagli) Odasi (ラテン語で Latinized as Tifetus or Typhis Odaxius),
原詩 original poem (イタリア語の方言とラテン語が混ざった混合言語
マカロニック - Wikipedia 
Macaronic language - Wikipedia)

Original text *A
Mercurio fuerat lux illa sacrata, sed ille
ad strigariam zobiam spectaverat aptam.
Illa etiam nocte coniunx cavalcabat Herodis
et secum strige, secum caminat et Orcus;
Hanc expectavit tamen, oca tirante la gola.
English translation on wikipedia
That day was sacred to Mercury,
but he waited for the Thursday, the proper day for witchcraft.
Herodes's wife was horse-riding that night,
and with her went the witches, and with her the Abyss.
So he waited that night, already savoring the duck.

my own rendering of it:

Tender that waxen flesh up to the Rex, whom hath in His graciousness cheated for himself a menagerie to eat;
drinking dews profusely from lactating roses instead of Snake's eye-drops, one cannot hear the deafening Vox Regis more than so drunken Jupiter's confounding flash
when the Drakon shakes yet again his pitiable krotala*1 in protesting tears; for Man, I was glad that the Crow went away into the valleys upon stolen wind-currents,
darkly over-fulgent like her feather and smelly, and wherever she goes, the crops were struck charred
One would have thought that was a wild boar instead of a bird; the black mud-slinging cursed Sanglier leading the charge of little black maned Sows clad in unsightly Panoply

The Swineherd of the State, left alone in his majestic dining hall, armed in splendid cutlery.
After his herd left him to starve that night, and without any idea how to cook, he gobbles up a wild duck-sized toad raw*2, with some amber-wax resembling flesh*2, goat’s grass*2 and a goblet of pale carrot-juice*2 *3

Stymphalian birds - Wikipedia
Ambergris, Bufo toad, yohimbine, horny goat weed, ginseng, alcohol, and certain foods are recorded throughout these texts as containing aphrodisiac qualities.[1] While numerous plants, extracts or manufactured hormones have been proposed as aphrodisiacs, there is little high-quality clinical evidence for the efficacy or long-term safety of using them.[8][10]
(Aphrodisiac - Wikipedia )

Ambergris - Wikipedia

Bufo - Wikipedia

*3 a wordplay joke, Gingseng 人参 means carrots in Japanese.

Tifi Odasi - Wikipedia

*A Macaronea or Carmen Macaronicum de Patavinisis ("Macaronic Song from Padua") is a comical poem by Tifi Odasi. The poem tells of a prank played on an apothecary by a band of university students called macaronea secta. It is written in a mix of Latin and Italian, in hexameter verse (as would befit a classical Latin poem). It reads as a satire of the bogus humanism and pedantism of doctors, scholars and bureaucrats of the time.

The year of first printing is not indicated on the book itself, but is believed to be 1488 or 1489. The author's pen name is given as "Tifi" in the frontispice, and as "Tifetus" in an acrostic that precedes the text.

The title of the poem is thought to come from maccerone, a kind of pasta or dumpling eaten by peasants at the time.[4]

The poem was a success; it was reprinted several times, and inspired many other Macaronea in the following decades.

The following excerpt describes the preparation for a magical rite where a duck would be served:[5]
