









寝かしすぎたのがいけなかったのか? 今年は作ろうかどうしようか検討中。

おしゃれな瓶があるし、それに入れて作ろうかな? 皮を入れておくだけでできちゃうんですよ。







コンブ茶。なんだかたのしそうなので。紅茶キノコ?とかいうものが見られるのかな? スコビーというんですね。


やはり、最後にフィジョアサイダー。わたしの見たレシピは、これです。FacebookのNature Nutrition のページより。

(自分用の覚書です。) 1Lサイズのボトルにフィジョアの皮を入れて、砂糖をテーブルスプーン(TSとなってます)1杯、水を上まで入れて、ゆるくフタをしめる。



Feijoa Fermented Fizzy drink!
This simple recipe uses what would otherwise be a waste product and turns it into a delicious, refreshing beverage. It has a low sugar content but tastes great.
Once you have scooped out the feijoa flesh to use in your favourite feijoa recipe (or as we sometimes do - blend and freeze in ice cube trays, so they are free flow and can be used in porridge, baking, desserts and smoothies) give the skins a quick rinse.
Loosely fill a 1 Litre sized jar with feijoa skins. Add 1 TB of sugar and cover with water. Leave covered (we just did loosely) on bench for 2-3 days. After that strain, and pop your feijoa skins into the compost. Add a further 1 TB of sugar and top up with water. Leave for a further day then chill, drink and enjoy (y) Cool fact - The fermenting process removes some of the sugar as the sugar feeds the natural yeasts from the feijoa skins. Tip 1 - For the second ferment if you seal it, it will get nice and bubbly. Tip 2 - We just used a tomato passata jar for second ferment, but if you get flip top bottles you will likely get a better fizz.
Edited to add - fermentation produces carbon dioxide which will build up in the bottles. If you add more sugar, store longer or use cheap kmart bottles you do risk the chance that they could explode. Proper brew bottles are best (you could use fizzy bottles too if you don't mind plastic) or ferment/store them somewhere safe and out of the way. You can also buy air lock lids or 'burp' your bottle to release c02 build up. This has not happened to me following instructions and I now use proper brew bottles. Modify the recipe at your own risk. Happy fermenting :)
Edited to add: The water really needs to cover the feijoa skins to create an anaerobic environment. If your feijoas go mouldy, you need to discard and try again. You can sterilise the jar in a hot oven and ensure the sugary water solution, comes up over the feijoas. This is an easy entry into fermenting and if you continue on with other ferments, you will learn as you go along. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!
Edited to add - alcohol is a by product of fermentation. This is not designed to be alcoholic and will not yield a strong alcoholic beverage but there will be some alcohol content (like with any ferment like sourdough or sauerkraut). Use your discretion with children or with recovering alcoholics. It is a short brew time with a small amount of sugar. I always try any fermented beverage myself before giving to my children (I am really sensitive to alcohol) but if you are very concerned you can buy a hydrometer from the brew shop to know the exact content or skip this recipe. The first ferment (aerobic) is unlikely to yield a alcohol content of more then 0.5% (some juices contain more then this) and the second ferment (anaerobic) would increase this somewhat which is why the sugar content is kept low and time short.



も〜りぃmrsmorry | 海外移住NZ | 挑戦。継続は力なり。七福笑毎。こどものように軽やかに