"I love dancing and taking photos." What is a dream that an English teacher is passionate about?
"I want to talk about what you are into." Every morning I take online English lessons from a teacher at a language school in Cebu, Philippines. Today, I interviewed a 24-year-old Filipino woman.
I have my opponent choose a talk theme when interviewing. The talk theme she chose was about life, what she was passionate about.
Actually, this is my first time talking to her. But I have seen her dance and photos many times. But why…….
opponent=相手、But why=なぜかというと
I knew about her for a long time through photos and videos.
I was introduced to her by the main teacher.It's my first time talking to her, but I've seen her many times in the past.
She was on a music video that I liked, and I've seen her main teacher photos many times. Her dance is very powerful. The pictures she takes have a unique world view and leave a very impressive impression. So I wouldn't talk if I was there directly, but I know her. I asked her how she lived.
It's my first time talking to her=初めて彼女とはなしたとき、in the past=これまでに・過去に、impressive=印象的な、impression=印象・感銘、directly=直接
"My parents divorced when I was 7 years old, but they didn't have them. As is often the case in the Philippines, I had a brother and sister. My brother and sister lived with mom. So I ended up going to my uncle and aunt's house.
The father and the mother each had a different lover, and the mother gave birth to our sibling and another new girl to him.
My new sister lived with her mother together with other siblings. I think my brother was jealous of the youngest sister, who was only half-blooded. Because my mother favoritism her. That brother is now married and has two children. By the way, my brother is now 26 years old. The older sister is 22 years old. My sister is LGBT and lesbian. And the youngest sister is 13 ''
What did she think when she knew her sister was a lesbian?
"I knew that my sister was an LGBT when I was in high school. I wasn't accepted at first. Why !? But my friend had an LGBT child, I can now accept my sister, and now she has her. "
divorce=離婚する、as is often the case with ~=よくあることだけど、end up -ing=結局〜することになる、each had a different lover=それぞれに恋人がいた、 jealous=やきもちをやく、youngest sister=一番下の妹、favoritism=えこひいき
Apart from my mother, I started living at my uncle and aunt's house.
By the way, was she lonely going to her uncle or aunt's house?
"I didn't feel so lonely when I was practicing and studying dance, and my uncle and aunt's house was quiet, so I could concentrate on studying, but at school, my father and mother came. My uncle and aunt are very nice people, I live with them all the time, I paid for my tuition, and I started working at the age of 18 and paid for my uncle and aunt. After graduating from high school, I wanted to go on the dance school, but I was told that I would like to be able to balance both schooling and dancing, so I went on to college. I got it.
I probably started dancing around 7 years old. I've always been passionate about dancing. We did contemporary, latin, cha-cha (a popular dance in the Philippines) and cheerleading! "
practic=練習する、quiet=静かな、concentrate on=集中する、all the time=その間ずっと、tuition=授業料、probably=おそらく、passionate=情熱的な、contemporary=コンテンポラリー、 latin=ラテン
I am happiest when dancing with my friends!
I asked her what was most memorable in her life.
"I think I was in the finals of the dance. I had dance lessons every day from 18:00 to 23:00 after school. There were 30 team members and it was very lively. When I woke up in the morning, my body hurt and it was hard to get up.When I was dancing, it was very exciting! By moving my body to the music, I felt familiar with the music. And we all work together to complete a dance, and I really like that moment, but the result was second, a very good memory when I was 17. "
memorable=記憶すべき・忘れられない、(類/in the final stage=秒読み)、lively=元気な、 familiar=精通している、complete=完璧な、result=結果
This is exactly youth!
While working as a language school teacher, she has also been selected as a member of the school's leading dance team and has appeared on music videos and more. "I'm glad I was selected because a lot of people applied! I'm very close with the team members. I'll talk a lot with your main teacher. What about the future?"
Her dream is to become a dance studio teacher.
"I want to go abroad. I want to go to Vietnam to work, I want to go to Japan. I want to go to the United States to learn dance. I have more dance lessons for that."
The board on the wall has a lot of pictures of friends at the language school.
Another thing she is passionate about is photography.
"I like taking pictures, but I don't have a camera. I'm using my own smartphone now. I want to save money and save money on buying a camera."
To save money, don't waste money. She can spend money on what she really need. I imagine what kind of pictures she would take if she bought a new camera.
passionate=自情熱的な、save money=節約、waste=浪費する
Her booth at the language school has a lot of pictures.
"This is the history of working at this school since I started working at this school. I met a lot of teachers and students and left them in my photos."
I am very interested in her work, so I want to make her photo book. I want to use the photos I took for various things. It's good to make an album, make a T-shirt, print a wooden print and hang it on the wall.
It would be nice to be able to keep a record of photos. Because she has a good taste, the person who becomes her subject is happy.
booth=ブース、various=いろいろな、keep a record of=~を記録に残す、
What kind of pictures will she be taking in the future? If she goes around different countries and takes pictures, I'd like to see her someday. And she should have an art exhibition in Cebu.
Listening to her dream, I'm more excited!
If she sends me photos, I'll make a photo book and her gallery in a note.