
張る野蔓正体見たりむかご飯 The identity of the mysterious wild vine has been discovered, and it is now used as an ingredient in "mukago rice" おまかせ小品集 Chef's choice dishes collection


A collection of small dishes served on "Midnight Diner" (a story that took place long before the TV drama "Midnight Diner"). We served anything as long as we had the ingredients. Since it was mostly improvisation, we made hundreds of dishes, but we will recreate little by little the ones that remind us of our customers' episodes (we have dramatized some of the more inappropriate stories).

The inspiration for the recipe


There was a small plants bed corner in the alleyway leading to the entrance of the late-night bar where I was standing. It was in a corner of a building housing multiple restaurants and cafes, and it seemed to have been a small space for relaxation built in an era before reinforced concrete buildings were in their heyday.
One day, a customer brought in a leaf and asked me to identify it, saying, "What is this? It's a vine that grew in that plantsbed." When I looked, it looked like a "Dioscorea japonica" leaf. There were only weeds growing in the plantsbed, so it seemed like the seeds had been brought there from somewhere. I was sure that it was a Chinese yam or a vine of the Dioscorea genus, collectively known as "yum" in English, but since it was just a leaf, I wasn't quite  sure. "I think it's probably a Chinese yam or a vine of the Dioscorea genus." I answered. "Is it edible?" the female customer replied, curious. I didn't want to give a random answer, so I answered, "I can't be sure that it's just a leaf, so let's wait a little until the summer is over. If no one mows the grass, if it's an edible species, the bulbils should come out." The next day, I looked at the plantsbed in question and sure enough, the vines were lush. When I looked closer, I saw that the leaves were "opposite (leaves facing each other)." A similar vine in the same genus called "Tokoro" which does not produce bulbils has alternate leaves (leaves arranged alternately), so it is probably a type of "wild yam". However, I am not that much of an expert, and did not want to disappoint him, so I kept quiet. The customer seemed quite interested, as he took pictures of its growth every week with his digital camera and showed them to me.
After the summer vacation ended, she came back with a happy look on her face, clutching some "mukago(bulbils)" in her hands. It seemed like she had won. She said, "These can be used for mukago rice, right? I'll pick them all up, so please make mukago rice for me!" "Well, everyone passes by thinking it's just a patch of weeds, so let's get some! But, but, please make sure you pick them secretly at a quiet time so you don't arouse suspicion," I replied. The next day, she quickly harvested a bowl full of mukago, which I treated everyone there to and they enjoyed some freshly cooked rice with the scent of autumn. I made rice balls out of the leftovers, and she took them all home with her.

むかごを種だと思っている人が多いけど、実は違う。茎が肥大して芋の 組織になったもので、いわゆるクローン(細胞複製)だ。むかごを作るヤマノイモの仲間は、地下茎とむかごと種の三通りの繁殖戦略を持っている。大抵の群生する株は全部雄花だけだったり、雌花だけだったり、滅多に種は作らない。地下茎とむかごだけの繁殖だと、雑種はできないはずだけど、葉の形などにバリエーションがあって、何らかのタイミングで種を付けて自然交雑することもあるようだ。実際「ナガイモ」の亜種には、丸い芋を作る「ツクネイモ」、手のひらの様な芋を作る「イチョウイモ(手芋)」があるし、皮が白いものや茶色のものがあったりする。

There are roughly three types of edible species in the Dioscoreaceae family, Dioscorea genus. They are the "Jinenjo" (japanese natural yam), which is thought to have always grown in Japan, although there is no record of it; the so-called "Nagaimo" (chinese yam), which was introduced from China during the Heian period; and the "daisho" (purple yam), which is native to Southeast Asia and cultivated in Okinawa. Nagaimo has become wild, so if you find one with leaves like this growing in pairs, it is probably a Jinenjo or Nagaimo. The alternate leaves do not produce bulbils. In warm regions, "Kashuimo" (air potato), which has the same alternate leaves, also grows mixed together. This one produces bulbils, but they are large and rough, and are quite bitter when bitten, so you can tell right away (in Africa, the same species with less bitterness is edible. The Japanese one is also edible if you properly remove the astringency, like horse chestnuts, but it is not usually eaten).
Many people think that bulbils are seeds, but in fact they are not. They are stems that have swelled and become tuber tissue, and are what we call clones (cell duplication). The yams that produce bulbils have three different reproduction strategies: rhizomes, bulbils, and seeds. Most colonies have only male flowers or only female flowers, and they rarely produce seeds. If they reproduced only through rhizomes and bulbils, hybrids would not be possible, but there are variations in leaf shape, and it seems that they sometimes produce seeds and naturally cross-breed at some point. In fact, there are subspecies of "nagaimo" (Japanese yam), such as "tsukuneimo" (a type of yam) that produces round tubers and "ichouimo" (a type of yam) that produces palm-shaped tubers, and there are also tubers with white or brown skin.
Dioscorea japonica can refer to Tsukuneimo, Ginkgo yams, or even wild yams, and there is no consistent name for it, which can be a little confusing.
If you have a vacant lot near you that is along a cliff or wall that doesn't get much sun, take a look. Even in large cities, you can find this plant growing wild in unexpected places.


The yam near the bar only grew that year, and maybe someone dug it up. The next year it was back to being a patch of weeds. After that, someone must have planted mint, as it started growing every year. It may not have been a coincidence that a nearby bar served up a mountain of mint-topped mojitos that year.
For the past few years, yam has grown thickly along the fence of my apartment every year, so I've started making mukago rice with it.

Today's Ingredients:


Kombu (kelp) harvested from a vacant lot (commercially available products are fine)
Light type soy sauce
Natural salt



Leave the rice to absorb the water.
Put the usual amount of water into a thick-bottomed pot, put some kelp on the bottom, and add the rice.
Add well-washed mukago season with salt, and finally add a small amount of light soy sauce.
Cover and bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and simmer for around 15 minutes.
Turn the heat off and leave to steam for a while with the lid on.
Turn the rice over, being careful not to crush the grains, and serve.
Of course, you can also use a rice cooker.

Recipe tips and variation


This dish is meant to enjoy the aroma of mukago, so raw white rice is used.
Here, it is cooked in a pot, but you can of course also use a rice cooker or pressure cooker. The pot will cook best if it is thick-bottomed, and it should have a heavy lid.
No extra seasoning is needed, just add kelp and light soy sauce to add flavour. Sake is also an unnecessary addition.
If you are going to pair it with something, a mild ingredient like fried tofu is best.
The aroma is wonderful, so if you have any left over, make rice balls to seal in the aroma. You can also add more water to make rice porridge.

Guide to where to get ingredients and equipment


*I participate in Amazon affiliate programs. If you purchase this product by clicking here, it will help pay for my coffee, so I would be very happy. By the way, I am addicted to coffee.

