名残の苦瓜で作るお母さんのベトナム料理「カインコークア(Canh Khổ Qua)」 "Canh Khổ Qua" is a Vietnamese soup made by mom with bitter melon harvested last of the year :おまかせ小品集 Chef's choice dishes collection
名残の苦瓜で作るお母さんのベトナム料理「カインコークア(Canh Khổ Qua)」 "Canh Khổ Qua" is a Vietnamese soup made by mom with bitter melon harvested last of the year :おまかせ小品集 Chef's choice dishes collection
セルリアック(Celeriac)/Celery root, Knob celery, Turnip-rooted celery/Apium graveolens var. rapaceum