Showcase Schools Visit 2 (Student Agency & CS) -生徒の行為主体性と、地域センターとしての学校-
2nd post about Showcase Schools visit that I've participated in almost weekly since last semester!
(前回の投稿はコチラ↓ Previous post below)
最終学期ということで忙しい日々を過ごしていますが、学校現場を訪れるまたとないチャンスはもう中々ないので、ほぼ毎週このShowcase Schoolのイベントにサインアップして色んな学校を訪問しています。
Although I'm pretty busy this semester, I sign up for this Showcase almost weekly and visit many schools as this is a rare chance to look into practices on the ground.
1. PS253 ~子供はself-learningから学ぶ!~
こちらはStudent Agencyがテーマということで、子供が学ぶのはまずself-learning、次にpeer-learning、最後にteacher-led learningだという哲学のもと教育活動を展開しています。
The first school I introduce is PS253, located in Brighton Beach in the southern part of Brooklyn. With "Student Agency" as its focus, this school has a philosophy that students learn first through self-learning, then through peer-learning, and lastly through teacher-led learning.
最初に見学したのは4th GradeのImage Analysisといって、何がアメリカ独立戦争を引き起こしたのかについて、ある一枚の絵を見ながら生徒が次々に手を挙げて意見を言っていきます。
非常に印象的だったのが、先生がある生徒が言ったことに対して「What makes you say that?」「What does it mean?」とさらに問いかけをしたり、「Anyone agrees with X?」と他の生徒に振ったりするのですが、そのpacingが凄まじくスムーズなこと。
Firstly I visited Image Analysis in the 4th grade classroom, where students expressed their opinions about what triggered American Revolution, using a picture. The teacher was really amazing; she responded quickly to what students said, by asking "What makes you say that?""What does it mean?" or inviting others ("Anyone agrees with X?"). Although you can't see that from the picture below, students are actively engaged in the class discussion.
次は3rd gradeのCoding(読解)の授業だったのですが、こちらも先生があらかじめ示したStrategy(re-reading, questioning, visualizing, inferring, determining importance, summarizing, context clues)のうち1つをグループで選び、それぞれの役割(evaluator, timekeeper, monitor, planner, facilitator)に応じてディスカッションを展開します。
Next, 3rd grade coding class. Each group chose one strategy among re-reading, questioning, visualizing, inferring, determining importance, summarizing, context clues, and then discuss the reading with each one having distinct role (evaluator, timekeeper, monitor, planner, facilitator). The teacher shared that they were reading textbooks for 5th grade. I thought their accomplishment came from an almost routine of using evidence to strengthen their argument.
最後は体育館でStudent Clubの見学。Student Government、Dance、Newspaper、Food、Photograph等様々なクラブの紹介を生徒がしてくれ、実際の活動の風景や制作物を見たりしました。
授業見学、先生との意見交換、クラブ見学を通じて、Student-centered learningという理念が机上の空論ではなく学校生活のあらゆる側面に浸透していることを強く感じました!
Lastly, we observed student clubs in the gym. Each club (Student Government、Dance、Newspaper、Food、Photograph etc.) members explained what they were doing, and we took a look at the products. I could literally feel that the concept of student-centered learning permeated into every aspect of schooling here.
2. PS188 ~CSで全方位的支援、学校内に洗濯機まで~
2つ目の学校はLower ManhattanにあるPS188で、ここは生徒の約半数がtemporary housingに住んでいます。保護者も英語を話せない方が相当数いる中で、生徒の学力のみならずSocial emotional learningやphysical/mental healthも含めた全方位的な支援を行う観点から、Community Schoolとなり10以上のパートナーシップをNPOや大学と組んでいます。
具体的にはNYS mentoring programやParent training (Borough of Manhattan Community College)、school-based health centerなどなど、様々な機関が学校内に拠点を置いてサービスを提供しています。
The second school is PS188 in Lower Manhattan.
There, half of the students live in temporary housing, and many parents cannot speak English. In order to address student and family needs, through not only academic support but also social emotional learning and physical/mental health support, this school transformed itself into Community School, thus partnering with more than 10 non-profits and universitites. Specifically, such organizations as NYS mentoring program, Parent training (Borough of Manhattan Community College), school-based health center visit this school and provide wraparound services to students.
こちらはSocial Action Projectといって生徒が自分の興味のある社会問題をピックアップし、自分で実験やリサーチをしたりするものです。先生いわく、シェルター問題など自分の家庭に直接関連するトピックを扱う生徒もいるそうです。
The picture below shows Social Action Project class, where students conduct research on a topic that interests them. Accoridng to the teacher, some students even choose the issue of shelter, which is pretty relevant to their surroundings.
What shocked me during the discussion with principals and other staff was that this school even provides washers, dryers and toothpastes to families, for sometimes they cannot use laundry machine in shelter. This means that staff are by no means free; the school is open from 6:45am to 7:30pm six days a week.
財源に関しては21st Century Community Learning Centerの支援が昨年度で打ち切られたので、今年度はafter schoolプログラムは自前で財源を取ってくるしかなかったとのこと。
As for funding, the federal support (21st Century Community Learning Center) was discontinued this year, so this school had to fund after school programs on its own. The principal emphasized the importance of finding grants that match the school's need, however small they are, and draft grant proposals as a team. In a nutshell, this is more than a school: almost a community center. I was very impressed by school staff who strive to do their best for children and their families.
I'll also attend some next week, so will update soon!