
大企業に向いてる人、ベンチャー企業に向いてる人-People suitable for large companies, people suitable for venture companies-


Good afternoon everybody. How are you spending your Obon holidays? Many people are considering changing jobs during the summer. This time, I would like to introduce some excerpts from "Change Career 2.0" about people who are good at large companies and people who are good at venture companies. I hope that this article will be of some help to you.


“Depending on the person, there are people who are more likely to create synergies in a large company and people who are more likely to create synergies in a venture company. People who like to work properly within their assigned roles can be said to be suitable for large companies. On the other hand, people who want to challenge new work beyond their roles are suitable for venture companies.”


”If you go beyond your role in a large company, it will be perceived as "taking away someone else's work" and will not be appreciated. At venture companies, there is a high degree of liquidity in positions within the company, so there are many opportunities to concurrently hold positions where there is a shortage of people and current positions. You will also have the opportunity to create your own positions. ”


Which way are you? By the way, I am the latter. By looking back on your own characteristics and personality, you may be able to understand which one is suitable and see the direction. From the next time onwards, I will introduce four points of view for assessing good ventures. See you soon. thank you very much.

参考文献:『日本人のキャリアの新ルール 転職2・0』
著者:村上 臣
