
オリーブオイルは最強の油なのか!?-Is olive oil the best oil?-


Good evening everyone. In the previous article, I introduced the fact that old oil is extremely toxic. Lipids are prone to denaturation, and oxidized oils become highly toxic substances. If you are interested, please check out that article. This time, I will introduce the contents of the title by excerpting some parts from "Doctors' Dietary Tips."


As for olive oil, I believe it is almost 100% okay to actively consume it as a healthy oil. The late Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara of St. Luke's International Hospital also drank olive oil every morning. A 2016 study reported that extra virgin olive oil lowers post-meal blood sugar levels. As a guideline for the amount of intake, you can consider 1 to 2 tablespoons (15 to 30 milliliters) to be an appropriate amount.


"However, there are some conditions to keep in mind, such as that it has not been heated at high temperatures, that it is fresh and not too long after its manufacture date, and that it should be used up as soon as possible after opening. Olive oil is a liquid oil, but it is said to be relatively resistant to denaturation, but lipids become more toxic when denatured. It is important to be careful of denaturation with any oil."


What did you all think? There are many types of oil, but it seems that extra virgin olive oil is the best. I usually use it in my cooking, but I was surprised to learn that the best is the one that hasn't been heat-treated. I would be happy if you could let me know if you have any other uses for it, such as salad dressing. I hope this article was helpful in some way. Until next time. Thank you.


参考文献 医者が教える食事術 最強の教科書
著者 牧田善二 
出版 ダイヤモンド社
