
The three-step “order” beginning with “animal gestures” (Symbolic process beginning with “animal gestures”— Gendlin and Mead: 2)

Fighting does not occur in a “truncated act” (Symbolic process beginning with “animal gestures”—Gendlin and Mead: 4)



Self-consciousness emerging from gestural communication (Symbolic process beginning with “animal gestures”—Gendlin and Mead: 6)

【じっくりSw1ftUI60】実践編30〜第42章 SwiftUI でジェスチャー認識機能を使用する〜前回からゆーてるけど、


SwiftUIでいこう! - Long Press Gesture


Collection of Links: George Herbert Mead’s philosophy as one of the roots of “A Process Model” (Gendlin, 1997/2018)

Collection of links: Symbolic process beginning with “animal gestures”—Gendlin and Mead

How we know what our bodies look like (Symbolic process beginning with “animal gestures”—Gendlin and Mead: 5)

“Gestures” do not exist without the other animal (Symbolic process beginning with “animal gestures”: Gendlin and Mead: 3)

Animals don’t “express” each other (Symbolic process beginning with “animal gestures”—Gendlin and Mead: 1)

A habit that comes out when there are things that are difficult to say.
