
The World Reflected on the Retina







1. **光の感知**:外部から入ってきた光が角膜や水晶体を通過して網膜に到達します。
2. **視細胞の働き**:網膜にある錐体細胞と桿体細胞が光を感知し、その光の強さや色を識別します。錐体細胞は色覚に関与し、桿体細胞は主に明暗を感知します。
3. **情報の伝達**:視細胞が光を電気信号に変換し、それを視神経に送ります。
4. **脳での処理**:電気信号は視神経を通じて脳の視覚野に送られ、そこで視覚として認識されます。


**English Description:**

The artwork titled *"The World Reflected on the Retina"* is a vivid exploration of how the external world, as captured by our eyes, transforms into a sensory experience within our minds. The colorful lines and soft clusters of light represent the diversity and complexity of visual stimuli, hinting at how they connect with our internal perception.

At the center of the piece, fragmented visual data converge, symbolizing the initial stage of retinal processing. The radiating lines depict the journey of these signals as they travel through neural pathways to the brain. The left side illustrates the intake of visual information, while the right side represents the interpretation and expansion of that information into sensory and emotional responses. The intertwining colors and shapes visually express the infinite potential of vision and its subjective interpretation.

Through this artwork, the artist invites the viewer to reflect on how the world we see daily is not just a collection of visual phenomena but a complex process where the brain actively constructs meaning from what the eyes perceive. The piece offers profound insights into the mechanics of vision, exploring how our consciousness shapes the world we experience.
