
Infinite Paradox

- 日本語: 「無限のパラドックス」
- 英語: "Infinite Paradox"

- 日本語: 抽象芸術
- 英語: Abstract Art

- 日本語:



- 英語:

This piece, titled "Infinite Paradox," visually explores the coexistence of conflicting concepts such as infinity and finiteness, order and chaos. The pink and orange curves floating against a black background symbolize the countless emotions and events flowing through our lives. The series of overlapping white squares within this chaos represents an order and structure that appears to continue infinitely. This repetition of squares symbolizes infinite possibilities and the order within them, encouraging viewers to delve into deep contemplation.

Through this artwork, I hope viewers will rediscover the infinite potential within themselves and the order that can be found amidst it. Our lives are often filled with chaotic situations and emotions, yet within them lies a certain pattern and order. By closely observing the piece, viewers are encouraged to feel the harmony that can be found among the complex elements within themselves and their surroundings.

I hope this artwork resonates with you and serves as a catalyst for rediscovering the infinite possibilities within and the order amidst them.
