
Bipolar Disorder & ADHD


説明文 (日本語)

この作品「Bipolar Disorder & ADHD」は、双極性障害とADHDという二つの精神的な疾患がもたらす心の混乱とエネルギーの爆発を表現しています。色とりどりの鮮やかな筆致は、制御不能な感情の起伏や注意の散漫さを象徴しています。黒と灰色のブラシストロークと指で描き殴ったこの作品は、抑うつの闇と焦燥感を示し、対照的に明るい蛍光色は、躁状態や多動のエネルギーを表現しています。全体として、この絵は、バランスを欠いた混沌とした世界の中で、個人がどのようにして自分の存在を感じ、表現しているかを描いています。


Description (English)

The piece "Bipolar Disorder & ADHD" captures the tumultuous emotional swings and bursts of energy that come with living with bipolar disorder and ADHD. The vivid, colorful brushstrokes symbolize the uncontrollable emotional fluctuations and scattered attention that characterize these conditions. The black and grey strokes represent the darkness of depression and anxiety, while the contrasting bright neon colors convey the energy of mania and hyperactivity. Overall, the painting depicts how an individual navigates and expresses their existence within a world of unbalanced chaos.

For the viewer, this artwork is an invitation to feel the internal battle and the resultant release of creativity. The riot of colors hitting the eyes simultaneously displays the instability of the mind and the beauty found within it. The message embedded in the artwork is that even in chaos, there is an inherent order and beauty, emphasizing that no matter how disordered things may seem, there is still a unique and profound beauty to be discovered.

If you have any further adjustments or need additional details, feel free to let me know!
