Infinite Stairs
タイトル: 無限の階段
ジャンル: 抽象アート
"Infinite Stairs" is a piece of contemporary abstract art that explores the play of vision and sensation. This artwork expresses visual tricks and infinite possibilities by combining simple lines and geometric shapes.
At first glance, the work appears to be a collection of simple squares, but as one observes it, a complex and dynamic structure gradually emerges. The squares drawn with white lines connect like stairs, spreading up, down, left, and right, resembling an infinite labyrinth. This structure symbolizes the labyrinth of our daily lives and minds, prompting us to think about where we should head.
Additionally, this artwork offers a meditative experience for the viewer. By moving the gaze along the pattern of squares, one can calm the mind and feel inner peace. At the same time, the visual illusion created by the arrangement of squares encourages liberation from fixed ideas and preconceived notions, providing a new perspective.
Through this work, the artist aims to offer a journey of visual play and introspection, conveying to the viewer the importance of infinite possibilities and self-exploration. The charm of abstract art lies in its freedom of interpretation. This work, too, will evoke different stories and emotions depending on the viewer's sensibility.