“Garden of Emotions - Inner Roses”
「感情の庭 - 内なる薔薇」
このアート作品は「感情の庭 - 内なる薔薇」と題され、人間の内面に存在する感情の複雑さと美しさを象徴的に表現しています。緑の蔓で縁取られたフレームは、私たちの心の境界を示し、その中に描かれた薔薇の花々は、さまざまな感情の断片を具現化しています。各薔薇は、愛、喜び、悲しみ、そして時には怒りといった感情の象徴であり、それらが共存し絡み合う様子を描写しています。
この作品は、感情がいかに複雑で、しばしば制御が難しいものであるかを視覚的に表現しています。感情は私たちを成長させ、時には傷つけもしますが、その全てが「私」という存在を形作る重要な要素であることを、この「感情の庭 - 内なる薔薇」は静かに語りかけています。
English Description
“Garden of Emotions - Inner Roses”
This artwork, titled “Garden of Emotions - Inner Roses,” symbolically expresses the complexity and beauty of the human inner world. The green vine-bordered frame represents the boundaries of our mind, while the roses depicted within symbolize fragments of various emotions. Each rose stands for different feelings such as love, joy, sorrow, and sometimes anger, illustrating how these emotions coexist and intertwine within us.
The overlapping petals, balanced within the same frame, suggest the constant movement and striving for harmony among the diverse emotions that reside within our hearts. The roses are portrayed in a soft red hue, indicating that these emotions are the hidden energy that drives us. The green vines, binding and giving order to these emotions, also reflect the untamed force of nature that expands freely, signifying the struggle to balance control and freedom within.
This piece visually represents how emotions are complex and often challenging to manage. They nurture us, sometimes hurt us, but all of them are essential elements that shape the existence of “me.” The “Garden of Emotions - Inner Roses” gently reminds us that every emotion, no matter how turbulent or subtle, contributes to the rich tapestry of our inner garden.