
January 12, 2024: Studying Maths (34), Inequalities(不等式)

I have just finished inequalities in maths. Their questions were much harder to solve than I expected. I had no problem solving the expressions. I managed to solve them in the same way I solved equations. However, I had to struggle to find the region that satisfies the expressions. In particular, I still do not fully understand how to find the region that meets the conditions of the linear and quadric inequalities. So I will focus on studying inequalities more for a while and not move on to new things without understanding them. I will advance step by step. Maths is like a pyramid and I cannot reach the goal without a solid foundation. Without the foundation, it will become a house of cards. I have to keep in mind not to be in a hurry. More haste, less speed. Slow and steady wins the race.

 不等式を終えました。不等式の問題は思っていたよりずっと難しかったです。式を解くのは問題なく。方程式と同じやり方で解けました。でも、式を満たす領域を見つけるのに苦労しました。特に、一次不等式と二次不等式の両条件を満たす領域の求め方がまだ十分に理解できていません。なのでしばらくは不等式の勉強に集中します。これを十分理解しないまま新しいことに進むことはしません。一歩一歩着実に進みます。数学はピラミッドのようなもので、基礎がしっかりしていないとゴールにたどり着けません。基礎がなければ、砂上の楼閣です。焦らないことを肝に銘じます。急がば回れ。 急いては事を仕損じる!


