
シニアです。 いままでの経験や思いついたことを綴ろうと思っています。 よろしくお願いし…


シニアです。 いままでの経験や思いついたことを綴ろうと思っています。 よろしくお願いします。


  • みんなの共同運営マガジン

    • 681本

    甘野充プロデュースの共同運営マガジンです。 共同運営マガジンは、みんなで作るマガジンです。 参加をすると、自分の記事を共同運営マガジンに追加することができるようになります。  たくさんの人に自分の作品を読んでもらえるチャンスです。  このマガジンには多くの創作する人が集まっています。創作する人の拡散に役立ちます。  参加費は無料です。  参加希望の方はトップ記事へコメントお願いします。 ルールは以下です。 ・投稿は自分の記事だけにしてください。 ・投稿は当日投稿の記事のみにしてください。  (過去記事は投稿しないでください) ・タイトル、タイトル画像、説明文は変更しないでください。

  • 66日ライティング×ランニング

    • 3,769本

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  • 学び

  • Studying Maths


  • 数学の学び


  • 固定された記事

August 8, 2023: Peace (平和)

Peace is like a glass sculpture. A certain balance of power has to be maintained to keep the peace. But the balance is so fragile that it can break at any moment. The peace in a family is kept by a strong bond between the members. But it is

    • September 20, 2024: Studying Maths (64), Probability Distribution(数学の勉強(64)、確率分布)

      At last I have finished the part of my maths book that deals with probability distributions. It was so hard and complicate to understand that I need longer time to finish than I expected. At one point, I was about to give up the part. But I

      • September 19, 2024: My Blood Pressure, My Doctor (血圧とかかりつけの先生)

        It has been a year since I had a record high blood pressure of 180. It was a reading at the hospital I went for my regular health check. It was so high that I was not allowed to have barium swallow test. It confused me so much that I rushe

        • September 18, 2024: Anger in Norway, My Dad in Europe (ノルウェーでの怒り、欧州のお父さん)

          Yesterday, I wrote about an event I had in Turkey. As I was writing it, I was reminded of another event. It happened in an airport in Oslo, Norway. When I was walking through the airport with a heavy bag on my shoulder, I saw a ground handl

        • 固定された記事

        August 8, 2023: Peace (平和)

        • September 20, 2024: Studying Maths (64), Probability Distribution(数学の勉強(64)、確率分布)

        • September 19, 2024: My Blood Pressure, My Doctor (血圧とかかりつけの先生)

        • September 18, 2024: Anger in Norway, My Dad in Europe (ノルウェーでの怒り、欧州のお父さん)


        • みんなの共同運営マガジン
        • 66日ライティング×ランニング
        • 学び
        • Studying Maths
        • 数学の学び
        • 未来の自分への手紙


          September 17, 2024: Anger in Turkey (トルコでの怒り)

          Even after the two Turks gave up marketing our products, I kept in touch with them for a while on business. I had a couple of things I needed their help with. One of them was from a request from the tax office in Japan. I was asked to send

          September 17, 2024: Anger in Turkey (トルコでの怒り)

          September 16, 2024: Business in Turkey (トルコでのビジネス)

          I have been reading the diaries of the blogger, LunaDE, on the 'note' blog sites. He is moving to Germany and is now in Istanbul, Turkey on his way. It reminded me of my business in Turkey. It was about ten years ago. When I was looking for

          September 16, 2024: Business in Turkey (トルコでのビジネス)

          September 15, 2024: Rumors about Praying Mantis (あるカマキリの噂)

          I found a praying mantis. It was the king in a realm. It had the rumors below: 一匹のカマキリを見つけました。これが、ある王国の王様でした。その彼には、次のような噂がありました。

          September 15, 2024: Rumors about Praying Mantis (あるカマキリの噂)

          September 14, 2024: Studying Maths (63) Probability Distribution, (数学の勉強(63)、確率分布)

          I have been working on the third part of the statistics section in my maths book. In this part, I have been working on probability distribution. It is challenging but fun to understand. But the book is not enough for me to understand it ful

          September 14, 2024: Studying Maths (63) Probability Distribution, (数学の勉強(63)、確率分布)

          September 13, 2024: Parental Leave(育児休暇)

          The other day I came across an event that told me that times have changed. It is about the way the younger generations work. My wife told me that her friends' sons, who are in 30s, would be taking a year parental leave. They had their first

          September 13, 2024: Parental Leave(育児休暇)

          September 12, 2024: My Letter to Myself in the Future (11) (未来の自分への手紙-11)

          ‘Good morning, MisaTK. How are you?’ ‘Good morning, sir. I am good, but I feel a bit tired, but no problem at all.’ ‘I'm relieved to hear it. And then, what do you think will happen to you this time in October?’ ‘To be honest, I have no ide

          September 12, 2024: My Letter to Myself in the Future (11) (未来の自分への手紙-11)

          September 11, 2024: French Novel, Count of Monte Cristo (フランス作品、モンテクリスト伯)

          It was in the month of July that I finished reading the French novel Les Misérables. It impressed me so much that I have had strong interest in French novels. And as soon as I finished reading it, I began to read another French novel The Co

          September 11, 2024: French Novel, Count of Monte Cristo (フランス作品、モンテクリスト伯)

          September 10, 2024:Plastic Cards (プラスチックカード)

          My wife and I have used a lot of plastic cards over the years. They include many kinds of cards such as ID cards and credit cards. But most of them are now doomed. And the information on the cards, which is now stored in computer systems, c

          September 10, 2024:Plastic Cards (プラスチックカード)

          September 9, 2024: Still Lighting a Fire in You (まだ妬いている?)

          It has been four years since I retired. I still work for the company from which I retired at the age of 60. But I work as a contract worker at my home. I enjoy my current life a lot. I still have a lot to do for the company. But I do not ha

          September 9, 2024: Still Lighting a Fire in You (まだ妬いている?)

          September 8, 2024:Studying Maths (62), Probability(数学の勉強(62)、確率)

          I have just finished the first part of probability in my maths book. Looking back on my school days, I was very bad at probability. It was so difficult that I hated to see it. But this time, I could do it better than I expected. I enjoyed c

          September 8, 2024:Studying Maths (62), Probability(数学の勉強(62)、確率)

          September 7, 2024: My Granddaughter (孫娘)

          About a week ago, my granddaughter and her parents came to my home. It was their second visit to my house. And it has been a while since I met them last December. She was just a few days away from her first birthday. She surprised me that s

          September 7, 2024: My Granddaughter (孫娘)

          September 6, 2024: What Can I Do for the Future? (未来にできること)

          What can I do for the future? Frankly speaking, I do not know. In the first place, what is called the future is something unclear or vague. It is the world of imagination. So, it is easy to create or see what my future will be. As long as I

          September 6, 2024: What Can I Do for the Future? (未来にできること)