If I go the other way, maybe I would have lived another life.
probably I had my children and my husband, my house.
But, I can`t help thinking about that. I‘m just a graduate student.
Even if I walk on an unusual road, I keep going.
Quarantine day`s 7 in Taiwan
It is sunny, occasionally rainy today.
It was the last day of quarantine. Finally, I will be released tomorrow.
I did a study for a school assignment. For my assignment, I read a book about Venture Business. When working on a school projec
Quarantine day`s 6 in Taiwan
Today is a little cold. The cold prevented me from going out.
I was studying English again today.
It is difficult for me to learn English. But, It is essential to study hard.
I talked to a Japanese friend on google meet. first, we talked
7th Oct 2022
Today's weather is light clouds.
I studied English for 6 hours.
I have bad news. I got mouth ulcers. very very so hard.
I was so happy when I watched a delivery video.
the lovely radio program "Over the San" I`m a heavy lis