【3min-DAIRY NEWS】まいにち英語☼Does cow’s milk really do a body good?
Sixty-five percent of the global population is lactose intolerant,
and yet most people (even those who are lactose intolerant)
are convinced
that they need to drink
the cow’s milk to survive.
We’re indoctrinated at a young age through our parents,
marketing ads,
and even the school cafeteria
that milk does a body good.
Are vegans missing out on optimum health benefits of cow’s milk, or is there a good reason to stay away.
According to the updated
US Dietary Guidelines,
fortified soy milk is nutritionally equivalent to cow’s milk.
Most soy milk
found in supermarkets
and health food stores
is fortified with added nutrients.
This makes fortified soy milk a great source of nutrients and contains the same amount of protein, calcium, and vitamin D.
While unrecognized
by the USDA,
pea milk provides a similar nutrition.
Unlike dairy milk, vegan milk is free from cholesterol, hormones, and trans fats.
This article is republished from VegNews.
★lactose intolerant:
unable or not easily able to digest lactose (= a type of sugar found in milk).
⭐︎乳糖不耐症: 乳糖(=牛乳に含まれる糖の一種)を消化できない、または消化しにくいこと
to persuade someone to accept an idea by repeating it and showing it to be true.
to strengthen something, esp. in order to protect it.
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