ミュージックステーションを丸々乗っ取ったアーティスト〜Those who hijacked a famous music show
1994年8月12日 「DREAMS COME TRUE Magic Journey Special Live」
1994年9月2日 「CHAGE&ASKA 15周年記念スペシャル」
2008年8月8日 「サザンオールスターズ デビュー30周年記念特番 ミュージックステーション まるごとサザンスペシャル」
動画はその時のパフォーマンスの一部。You Tubeで発見した。(多分削除されるだろう。)
今、You Tubeに上げられた数々の動画からは、活動停止、解散してから彼らを再評価する声が上がっている。特筆すべきは10代からの再評価だ。「現代にこんなパフォーマンス高いバンドはいない」「楽曲の幅やレパートリーが広い」「音源よりライブの方が迫力がある」と驚きと尊敬の声がじわじわ上がる。
Music Station is a Japanese music program that has been held since 1986. It is a one-hour program in live broadcast format. Seven sets of trendy artists perform every time. The show is so well known that it's well worth a performance for Japanese musicians.
Did you know that in the history of such Japanese music programs, there are only three artists who monopolized all of the one-hour time frame?
DREAMS COME TRUE, Southern All Stars, and CHAGE&ASKA
In order for one artist to monopolize an hour of this music station, no other hit artist at the same time can appear.
Considering that, it is necessary for the viewer to be an artist who can get a high audience rating.
The music of CHAGE&ASKA was firmly accepted by the people.
The video I pasted as a link is part of their performance at that time. I found it on You Tube. (This will probably be removed.)
The video quality of this video is poor and the sound quality is not good either. Still, their amazing voice and power in the live song are transmitted to us from the screen. Their singing ability is outstanding.
What makes me feel a bit outdated is just a small part of their costume.
There are now a number of their live videos on You Tube. They quit working for two about ten years ago. And now they are disbanded. However, the comments in these videos suggest that they are being re-evaluated. Most notable is their evaluation by teenagers. "There is no band with high performance like them in the present age" "The width and repertoire of their songs are wide" "Live is more powerful than their data sources", and the voice of surprise and respect for them gradually Go up.
Now I am about the same as their age at the time of this broadcast.
Elementary school students at the time of this broadcast. Even at that time, I thought that it was a good song even though I couldn't understand the meaning of the melody line and I didn't understand the lyrics, but when I listened to it again in my thirties, it was like, "Likely good lyrics" I feel the goodness of the song again.