野球 遠投シリーズ1 英文論文まとめ
(Updated Oct/4/2020, I added english after Japanse for english readers)
1. それぞれが思う”遠投”の定義にはズレがある?
- まずは遠投の距離について -
- 遠投の投げ方について -
36%が遠投では地面に水平になるよう(on a line)投げる、70%は地面に水平になるようには投げない(not on a line)。
このon a lineで投げると答えた36%の人達の中で、28%はcrow-hopを使い、60%の人達はcrow-hopはnot on a lineで投げる時に使うと答えた。
- 遠投をする時期について -
- 遠投の目的について -
多くのピッチャーとピッチングコーチはATCに比べ、遠投は肩をストレッチさせるためと答えた。(to feel looseとの意味合いだと個人的に解釈しました。)
しかし、ATCは多くはピッチャーと比べ、遠投というものはinterval throwing programやリハビリに利用するものと答えた。
全グループで一致したのは、遠投は肩を強くするもの(arm strengthening)でした。
2. 投球距離が伸びるにつれアームメカニックスに変化?
この論文ではon a lineで投げる指示は出ましたが、他の論文(次の記事に書きます。)とは違いcrow-hopに関しての指示はありませんでした。そこは自由にできたということですね。
Baseball, summary of long-toss researches vol 1
Following is in English. I apologize in advance for any grammatical error!
As I saw tweets about long -oss recently, I went into websites to read research articles. I read 4 of them and wrote up some summaries (this page and the next).
I used a word "stress to the elbow" and "elbow load" often here. I chose the word, so many people would make sense of it. It means varus torque of the elbow for those who are in similar industries.
(You can go the articles by licking above links!)
1. Is the perceived definition of long-toss not the same among people?
This paper collected a survey from the pitchers, pitching coaches, and athletic trainers (ATCs) of the five major league baseball organizations regarding their respective definitions of "long toss." It is interesting because it's a paper brought a different perspective.
Responses returned from a total of 321 people, including 271 pitchers, 19 pitching coaches, and 31 ATCs.
―First of all, about the distance of long-toss ―
The overall average distance for long-toss was 175ft. When categorized, the average distance between pitchers and pitching coaches was 177ft and ATC was 157ft.
There was a gap.
― About ways to throw a long-toss ―
36% of them answered long-toss is throwing "on a line", 70% responded long-toss is "not on a line".
Out of the 36% of people who reported throwing "on a line", 28% would use crow-hop. 60% of them said they would use crow-hop when throwing "not on a line."
Crow-hop is like what the Orioles OF is doing above. This link leads to specifics about Crow-hop if you're interested.
― About the timing of long-toss ―
Pitchers said they would use long-toss in the pre-season, in-season, and off-season more often than ATCs.
― About the purpose of long-toss ―
Many pitchers and pitching coaches replied that long-toss was to stretch their shoulders compared to ATC. (I personally interpreted it as to get/feel loose.) However, ATC replied that long-toss is used for interval throwing program and rehabilitation.
All groups agreed that long-toss were for arm strengthening.
Researchers' conclusion
"The definition varies for long-toss throwing distance and throwing mechanics. Pitchers and pitching coaches believe that long-toss comprised longer distances than ATCs and employed long-toss differently for strength conditioning, training, stretching, and rehabilitation. This discrepancy highlights a potential lost opportunity for protecting the shoulder. While long-toss is an important tool, a more scientific definition is warranted to better elucidate its role in enhancing throwing performance and rehabilitation."
Personal view
Keeping in mind that there is a mismatch in regards to individuals' definition of "long-toss", it may be necessary to specify the distance clearly rather than just "let's throw a long-toss".
As an ATC, I sit down and discuss with the pitcher, especially when planning a throwing progression. Do you usually throw long-toss? How many times a week (it depends on starting pitchers or relievers)? How far do you go out? etc. If he normally plays catch out to 120-140ft, I personally don't ask him to throw any further distance. In the end, it is about load management like any other training. Add load, let it recover, and promote tissue adaption. On top of that, it is important to listen how the player feels. Ultimately we are rehabbing together.
2. Changes to arm mechanics as the throwing distance increases?
In this paper, 95 high school baseball players (all positions) participated and had them wear the Motus sleeve (click the link in Japanese section if you'd like to know more). They measured arm slot, arm speed, shoulder external rotation, and load to the elbow and investigated its trend while throwing 5 times at 9m, 18m, 27m, 37m, and 46m.
There was an instruction to throw on a line, but unlike other papers (I will write in the next article), there was no instruction about crow-hop. It means that participants were free to do that.
It found that arm slot, arm speed, shoulder external rotation angle, and load to the elbow are associated with throwing distance distance. As the throwing distance increased, the arm speed and shoulder external rotation angle increased, and the arm slot decreased.
However, the load on the elbow increased with increasing distance up to 27m and then remained the same at 37m and 46m.
Researchers' conclusion and views
By increasing the throwing distance for shoulder/elbow training and rehabilitation, increased shoulder external rotation angle and arm speed may be beneficial. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the increase in elbow load, the decrease in arm slot, and the increase in shoulder external rotation angle and arm speed as they may be a risk of increasing throwing distance.
To make throwing training and rehabilitation safe, it is effective to use real-time feedback of elbow load value in addition to ball speed, distance and player subjectivity. You can pick a target load based on the baseline measures from healthy time.
Personal view
It was strange that the elbow load remained the same at 37m and 46m. The longer the distance, the more force production would be. In fact, the arm speed had increased. There might be different results if sample was from college or professional level.
After all, I think it is a plus to be able to objectively view a load on the elbow in real time. However, it is necessary to have people and finance to be able handle that.