[イベントレポート風味 19.02.27「新しいマネジャーの教科書(仮)」at ABCブックセンター] 変えることより増やすこと、使い果たすより生み出すこと 2/4
→渋谷に凱旋門! これって例であって、他のものでいいのだと思います。
好きを仕事に、は進みすぎ 。youtuberとか、そこまででなくても良いので生産する娯楽が次の重要なテーマではないか。
・マネージャーの役割は、このチームはそもそもなんのためにあるんだっけ? ということを明らかにして、理想を作ること、そして謝ること。
また続いてしまいました...次回で一区切りとなると思います。 (続く)
"New manager's textbook (provisional)" pre-publication event 2/4 Osamu Yamada x Yutaka Kitano Talk event
(More expand than change,
More creation than wasting.)
Last time, from management's point of view, manager was also human and important point of personnel was told. That is the continuation.
・ I would like to draw a national strategy as a future goal. Things change depending on what kind of thoughts the person at the top, and even next to them, has.
Cybozu is changing because there is a thought of Mr. Aono, Mr. Yamada.
→ The goal of management will be in the direction of a larger scale, and the impact will be greater if it is decided by the person to be decided. It is said that "it is better to stop creating a free organization as part of a certain organization" when it featured a thing about the teal organization with Mr. Cybozu's Own Media, even though it is weird ). It's not a negative thing to do no matter what, it means what is the best.
○ Although there are capitalists in Japan from a short-term perspective, there are few capitalists who can influence the world in a long-term perspective. In the United States, there are GAFA and such companies, but ... (※ content here is unstable)
→ While listening to this, as a Japanese company that still balances the scale and the long-term perspective, I thought that it was that company at first. The story comes out well later.
○ If you can develop in Shibuya, top consulting companies and developers will build high-rises, and that is the case.
On the other hand, for example, try to make the Arc de Triomphe. The Arc de Triomphe in Paris has been one of the world's leading tourist destinations for hundreds of years.
→ Arc de Triomphe in Shibuya! This is an example and I think that it is good with other things.
Tourism does not have to be the main theme. When I thought in a longer span, not 5 years 10 years, I heard it as a story of a major change in the sense of values what is important.
・ When I talk to the IT-related president, I'm thinking only about the issue of "How do I get a society where I don't have to work now, good people to work?"
I said that at the event of Osaka, I think that Cybozu, which was originally Black, was the hope for the future of the company, but I did not receive it twice ...
→ Of course the part of laughter is, I think that the part of the first part is "that many people know but people above a certain generation do not know at all". The time to work hard without wiggles is already over, and it will be possible to create your own position while looking over widely (not saying that you are ready) but of course there are individual differences.
Let's talk about the values for working from here. It is a little rush but please.
・ There are eight companies in the United States among the top ten companies in the world market capitalization ranking (the 40th place in Japan's best Toyota). The economy is good, but there are challenges, which are disparities.
The East-West coast is rich and poor, inland and central workers are born, but President Trump is a good, not bad fact. Millennials are witnessing this.
Then the people who are supposed to be the winners go to a volunteer, NPO.
→ I think that the story from here is a story that can be heard naturally to the upper layer people interested in this event, but it is a little painful for the people below and below who are struggling in the present format. If you were in the United States in this distinction, you are probably the person who voted for Trump (not the story of political thought, but the story of the attribute to which you belong).
・ On the other hand, the sales target can not be lowered in Japan yet.
While there are Cybozus that do not have to grow, listed companies all assume growth. It's a tremendous growth in GDP if you gather the mid-term plan, but it won't be true if you add the actual figures.
What is changing in such a situation is not to shift from consuming entertainment to producing entertainment in the form of pleasure and entertainment.
It used to be a model that earns a lot and uses it a lot, but for example, eating 10,000 yen sushi will not recover 10 times that of a thousand yen sushi.
I like going to work too much. Youtuber and so on, so it doesn't have to be there, so isn't entertainment to be produced the next important theme?
→ It's a bit long, but it's an important story.
People who are working on this in "work" are probably 10% or less. But the story changes if you actually buy something or experience it. I think that some of the money that was used to relieve anxiety and for peace of mind is heading towards happiness, making little by little. That is one of the services like this note itself.
The rest of the 10,000 yen sushi laughs a little. In real and fantasy worlds, things that cost 10 times are not as effective as simple calculations. As much as sushi is a sushi stock bag is a bag and a PC is a PC.
However, if it includes the experience value of having it or having experienced it, it may be 100 times or 1000 times at a stretch.
If it says, it is a word of one more press here.
○ For example, I would hesitate to buy Nike shoes for 1 million yen, but if I knew that I could make shoes for 1 million yen, I guess some people would make money.
(A friend I know who loves Nike is saying ... How is it? ※ Accuracy is suspicious)
→ This. Depending on the person, Nike will be a professional sport, a live stage, a restaurant with stars, space and so on, but I think that it is the future theme that it will lead to making and sending out You And not all of them need to be the same.
After this, it is pointed out that what the United States is trying to wake up is because it is a democracy for shareholders, and it comes back to the story of management.
・ The company is a project, and it is protracted even though it should die when it is over.
For example, Columbus went on a voyage to gather the roughs to find the new continent. In managing a team, 60% maintain the past. The remaining 40% is a project, a balance of working on new things.
→ As Aono-san's “company monster monster” appeared, many of the companies in the world are zombies. Even if you are working and asked what you are asking for, you should be able to say fluffy and vague things, such as "don't tell anything, do what you said for the company".
However, I think that the percentage of people who can not live without it (or think that it is) is about 90% (I think that it is less than 2: 8 of Pareto's law). By the way, the ratio of 1: 9 is my subjectivity to the last, not a statement of this event, please forgive me in advance.
・In the role of manager, what does this team originally have for?
Revealing that, making an ideal, and apologizing.
→ I think that management has been a challenge for the last few decades while it has been a theme for Japan. When I enter a project that I really want to get involved and want to get involved, I want to first think about what I can do.
If I say that the manager I know now plays a role, they can not do it at all. No, manager is also human, so I would like to start by understanding it (see last time)
It has continued again ... I think it will be a break in the next time. (Continue)