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[00:00] Introduction
[02:25] What fueled the Hawaiian wildfires that killed dozens and leveled historic Lahaina town
Crews are still fighting fires on the Hawaiian island of Maui. At least 36 people are known dead and more than 270 buildings damaged or destroyed across a blackened landscape. It's the nation's deadliest fire disaster in five years. Amna Nawaz discussed the fires with KITV meteorologist Malika Dudley.
《fires on the Hawaiian island of Maui、KITV meteorologist Malika Dudley、》
[10:16] News Wrap
U.S. inflation moved up in July, ending a year of monthly declines: In our news wrap Thursday, U.S. inflation was higher in July ending a year of monthly declines, Walt Nauta pleaded not guilty on new charges in the Trump classified documents case, special counsel Jack Smith requested a Jan. 2 trial date on charges that Trump tried to overturn his election loss and the CDC reported 49,500 suicides last year, the most ever recorded.
《Walt Nauta; special counsel Jack Smith asked for a January 2 trial date; cuador's presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio (59) assassinated; 10 days before the August 20 presidential vote; Virgin Galactic has joined the ranks of space tourist flights》
[16:08] Jason Rezaian discusses potential release of Americans held by Iran
It appears that five Iranian Americans who have been detained in Iran are in the process of being released. The Associated Press reports Iran's move is part of an agreement in which billions of dollars frozen in South Korea will be released. Amna Nawaz discussed the latest with Washington Post columnist Jason Rezaian, whose own grueling detention by the Iranian government ended in January 2016.
《イラン、拘束中のアメリカ人を解放へ、The five U.S. citizens are Siamak Namazi, Morad Tahbaz, Emad Shargi, and two Americans who wish to remain unnamed at this moment; Iran's move is part of an agreement in which billions of dollars frozen in South Korea will be released; Iranian prisoners jailed in the United States would be returned; Washington Post columnist Jason Rezaian; $6 billion in oil revenues unfrozen; U.S. officials are not publicly confirming; Morad Tahbaz's daughter Tara and Emad Shargi's, one of his daughters, Ariana, came on the show recently 》
[20:34] Morad Tahbaz's daughter Tara and Emad Shargi's, one of his daughters, Ariana, came on the show recently and talked about that. Ariana had this to say. [** 関連ニュース ]
[22:32] Family of Afghan American held by Taliban pleads for his release
An Afghan American businessman has been held for more than a year in the land of his birth. Mahmood Habibi's family has decided to go public in the hopes that the Taliban will release him. Amna Nawaz spoke with them about Habibi's unjustified incarceration.
《Mahmood Habibi; Afghan American businessman; アフガニスタンでタリバンに1年以上拘束; Ahmad Habibi, Brother of Mahmood Habibi; Zulhija Habibi, Wife of Mahmood; Mahmood was head of Afghanistan's Civil Aviation Authority, and was granted a Special Immigrant Visa, which led to a green card in 2014 and U.S. citizenship in September of 2021; ARX Communications; a CIA drone struck in the heart of Kabul and killed Ayman al-Zawahiri, leader of al-Qaida (これが拘束に関係している可能性); U.S. delegation led by U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan Tom West met with Taliban leadership in Doha last month; 》
[30:04]★今日のおすすめ★ Report reveals Justice Thomas secretly benefited from network of wealthy patrons
There are new details about the gifts Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has gotten from wealthy businessmen. ProPublica provided the fullest account yet of the gifts and there are far more than previously known. John Yang discussed the story with Brett Murphy, one of the reporters who unearthed these details, and Joel Anderson, host of Slate’s “Slow Burn” podcast.
《Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas; 最高裁判事、トーマス判事、新たな倫理問題、豪華な贈り物、接待、ProPublica、Brett Murphy; Joel Anderson; Slate's "Slow Burn" podcast; 3人のビジネスマン、Tony Novelly; David Sokol; Wayne Huizenga; affirmative actionで得をした過去、反対する最高裁判決、》
[31:56] And these, the ones we have reported on, many of the ones we have reported on, would not be falling into the personal hospitality exemption that some of your viewers may have heard about before. Things like private plane rides, yacht cruises, expensive sports tickets, that's not personal -- personal hospitality [** = Personal hospitality means meals, beverages, transportation or lodging furnished non-commercially by a person on his or his family's property or facilities. https://www.lawinsider.com/dictionary/personal-hospitality ] , according to the folks we talked to.
[32:44] So far, what we know right now is that Justice Thomas is an extreme outlier [** = an exception 例外、他とは大きくかけ離れているもの ] . We brought the reporting to former federal judges, including those who sat on the judicial committee that reviews disclosures. And Jeremy Fogel told us that he has never seen anything like this before. He thought it was unprecedented for both the volume and the frequency of the largess.
[34:07] When he first became a national name, when -- during his Supreme Court confirmation hearing in 1991, his aides and the people that supported him tried to promote the Pin Point myth [** Pin Point is an unincorporated community in Chatham County, Georgia... is best known for ... being the birth place of U.S. Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pin_Point,_Georgia ] , which is his impoverished background growing up on the coast of Georgia, just outside of Savannah.
[34:26] He actually grew up fairly middle class and went to private school throughout. That's not something that is well-known nationally is that story. So it's always the sort of thing that he's not really -- he wants people to believe that he is -- quote -- "regular stock." [** 普通の生まれ // stock = lineage ] That's something that you will hear him say a lot, but it's a little bit more complicated than that.
[37:25]★今日のおすすめ★ Alcohol-related deaths among women rise at a faster rate than men
In the last two decades, more and more Americans have died from drinking-related causes. But a new study shows alcohol-related deaths are rising faster among women than men. Laura Barrón-López discussed the research with Dr. Paula Cook, a physician who specializes in addiction medicine and host of the podcast, "The Addiction Files."
《アルコール関連死、男性より女性の方が速い増加率、The Journal of the American Medical Association、from 2018 to 2020, alcohol-related deaths increased by 14.7 percent per year for women, compared to 12.5 percent increase per year for men; Dr. Paula Cook; the health benefits of alcohol have really been negated in the research; どのような量でもアルコールに健康増進効果なし、アルコール分解の男女差、》
[43:37]★今日のおすすめ★ Antarctic sea ice at record lows as global temperatures rise
As temperature records fall all over the planet this summer, scientists are also increasingly concerned about what’s happening to the sea ice around Antarctica. William Brangham reports.
《温暖化の影響、南極大陸周辺の海氷が冬に以前ほど広がらない、南極海の氷、Marilyn Raphael; geologist at UCLA; 》
[47:54] I look at the curve daily, but I look at that curve early, and I'm almost willing [** to will = to induce or try to induce by sheer force of will. 意思の力で…させる。(この文脈では)グラフの曲線に念じて上に少し動かす ] it to inch upwards. But it's not listening to me.
[48:45] How Taylor Swift created an economic juggernaut with her Eras Tour
Pop superstar Taylor Swift ended the first U.S. leg of her Eras Tour Wednesday night, leaving American fans waiting until next fall to see the concert that's turbocharging the economy and capturing the pop culture zeitgeist this summer. Stephanie Sy reflects on the tour and the power of Taylor Swift for our arts and culture series, CANVAS.
《Taylor Swift; テイラー・スウィフト; Eras Tour; Mara Klaunig is an economic analyst at Camoin Associates; Tyler Foggatt, a senior editor at The New Yorker; 》
[49:06] STEPHANIE SY: It's the end of an era, for now, Taylor Swift closing out the first leg of her blockbuster Eras Tour that's enchanted Swifties, who spent their savings, planned their outfits, wove friendship bracelets, and, of course, sang their hearts out inside the stadium and tailgating [** to tailgate = to have a tailgate party // tailgate party = a social gathering in which food and drinks are served at or near the back end of a parked vehicle (such as a pickup truck) that usually occurs in a parking lot before or after a public event (such as a football game or concert) (Merriam-Webster) ] in the parking lot.
[53:47] Retaking ownership of her music has made her the man [** = an individual who has achieved a great accomplishment ] to even the early skeptics.
[53:52] TYLER FOGGATT: A lot of her current fans who weren't fans before have actually said, oh, that was just like internalized misogyny [** < internalized oppression = In social justice theory, internalized oppression is a recognized understanding in which an oppressed group accepts the methods and incorporates the oppressive message of the oppressing group against their own best interest...
see also: internalized sexism
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internalized_sexism ] . And I, like, have recognized the error of my ways, and now I respect Taylor Swift, as I always should have.
[54:13] STEPHANIE SY: Swift's concerts kicked off the girlboss summer [** girlboss = A confident, capable woman who pursues her own ambitions instead of working for others or otherwise settling in life (thefreedictionary)] , one also defined by Greta Gerwig's blockbuster Barbie movie and Beyonce's World Renaissance Tour.