

PBS NewsHour Sept. 4, 2023

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[00:00] Introduction

[02:12] News Wrap

In our news wrap Monday, President Biden downplayed the threat of an auto workers strike, Russian President Putin says he's not ready to renew a deal on Ukrainian grain shipments, a new report from the UN nuclear agency shows Iran may be slowing its pace of uranium enrichment and thousands at the Burning Man festival in Nevada waited for a chance to leave after bad weather blocked the main road.
《Auto Workers, strike deadline10 days away; Vladimir Putin not ready to renew Black Sea grain deal; Putin met with Turkish President Erdogan; Iran may be slowing its pace of uranium enrichment, trying to ease tensions with the U.S. amid negotiations on prisoner swaps and frozen assets; first African climate summit kicked off today in Kenya; Thousands at the annual Burning Man Festival in Nevada began leaving; Burners; Black Rock City, the town specifically constructed for the event about 100 miles outside Reno, Nevada; Steve Harwell died, lead singer of the rock band Smash Mouth; 》

[06:51] And a passing of note. Steve Harwell, a longtime lead singer of the rock band Smash Mouth, died today at his home in Boise, Idaho, of acute liver failure. Harwell formed the band back in 1994. And they scored two platinum albums.
[** platinum = Of a musical recording that has sold over one million copies (for singles), or two million (for albums) (wiktionary)]

[08:05]★今日のおすすめ★ Zelenskyy replaces Ukraine's defense minister amid corruption probe

In the middle of war, there's a shakeup at Ukraine's highest levels of government. Defense Minister Oleksii Reznkov submitted his resignation after President Zelenskyy announced plans to replace him. The move comes amid Zelesnkyy’s efforts to fight corruption in his government and inside the military. Geoff Bennett discussed more with Kateryna Ryzhenko of Transparency International.
《Ukraine's Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov dismissed; successor is Rustem Umerov; Kateryna Ryzhenko, deputy executive director of the Ukrainian branch at Transparency International, a global network aiming to fight corruption; 》

[08:59] So, Reznikov's removal comes in the wake of a number of corruption scandals involving Ukraine's Ministry of Defense. Earlier this year, the ministry faced blowback for allegedly purchasing food for soldiers at inflated prices.
[** blowback = negative repercussions ]

[11:27] KATERYNA RYZHENKO: So, he [* = Rustem Umerov ], for the last year, was the head of State Property Fund, which is a pretty important and big institution in Ukraine.
[** = State Property Fund of Ukraine was established in 1991 according to the Cabinet of Ministers' Resolution N.158 for the purpose of the implementation of the state policy of the privatization of state property...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_Property_Fund_of_Ukraine ]

[13:44] Families scramble to find rides as school districts face bus driver shortage

This Labor Day comes as unions and workers are flexing their power. Writers and actors are on strike, auto workers may take to the picket line soon and UPS drivers ratified a historic contract this summer. But employees still face significant battles and employers are coping with worker shortages, including school districts across the country that face a lack of bus drivers. Ali Rogin reports.
《school bus driver shortage; Joanna McFarland, CEO, HopSkipDrive; Molly McGee-Hewitt, CEO and Executive Director, National Association for Pupil Transportation; the problem has been going on for at least 10 years before the pandemic; during the pandemic, there was a great number of retirements; 》

[14:23] ALANNA SMITH, Parent: We were aware that they'd been struggling, and we had received notice that students were not guaranteed to have a bus that would take them to their schools. But we didn't actually know for sure that there was a problem until we received an e-mail about two weeks before school started saying that one of my children would not be bused to his school. So you're like doing the mental calculations and the gymnastics, being like, OK, how can I -- how can I make this work with our family now?
[** mental gymnastics = A complex thought process that is used to solve something difficult ]

[21:35] We talk about exit interviews. Well, they do what's called stay interviews, where they interview their drivers and find out what makes you want to be a bus driver, and they're able to be there.
[** exit interview = an interview held by a personnel officer with an employee who is leaving the company ]
[** = A stay interview is a conversation with a high-performing employee with the goal of discovering what they like about their role, and what they would like to change. Stay interviews are an opportunity to both uncover what motivates that employee and to also build trust with them as a manager...
https://builtin.com/recruiting/stay-interview ]

[22:45] New Illinois law protects money children earn as social media influencers

Legislative efforts to protect children online typically center on their privacy. But thanks to the efforts of an Illinois teenager, the finances of some of the youngest digital workers could also be better protected in the future. Lisa Desjardins reports.
《Dave Koehler (D-IL), state senator; Shreya Nallamothu; part of money earned set aside in a trust fund; right of legal action; Generation Alpha; 》

[26:00] LISA DESJARDINS: Shreya, you are Gen Z. I have a son who is the next generation. I think we're going to go with Generation Alpha. He's in elementary school. If you talk to any of those kids, they all want to be YouTubers, if you ask what they want to be when they grow up. But what have you learned about the trade-off of becoming a YouTuber through doing this?
[** Generation Alpha = (demographics) The generation following Generation Z, born between the early to mid-2010s and the mid-2020s (wiktionary) ここにある図が分かりやすい
https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Generation_Alpha ]

[29:01]★今日のおすすめ★ Humanitarian crisis becomes more dire for Sudan 5 months into violent power struggle

A report funded by the State Department paints a dire picture of the humanitarian situation in Darfur, in Western Sudan. Nearly five months ago, the Sudanese military and the insurgent Rapid Support Forces started fighting for power. Violence spilled into Darfur, where elements of the RSF were accused of genocide 20 years ago. As Nick Schifrin reports, history appears to be repeating itself.
《Sudan; civil war; Rapid Support Forces, or RSF; The U.N. says at least 4,000 people have died; Darfur; Nathaniel Raymond, executive director of the Humanitarian Research Lab at the Yale School of Public Health; State Department-funded Sudan Conflict Observatory to expose the atrocities of war that might otherwise go unreported; open-source reporting; Nyala, Darfur's largest city; Mahala Adam; In the 2000s, government-backed Janjaweed militias in Darfur brutally crushed an uprising and killed hundreds of thousands of non-Arabs; Janjaweed gave birth to the RSF; Yasir Elamin, president of the Sudanese American Physicians Association 》

[30:32] NATHANIEL RAYMOND: Cell phone connectivity and Internet connectivity has been knocked out, in some cases, intentionally, as we have documented, by the RSF. And so our work is, unfortunately, the only game in town in many cases to be able to corroborate what is actually happening. And that is done through a combination of satellite imagery, open-source reporting and also thermal sensors from NASA.
[** only game in town = the only available thing (worth considering) ]
[**open-source = 今日の文脈とは少し違うが、
以前の番組に、オープンソースの情報を使ってどんなことが出来るかの例がある ]

[32:53] NATHANIEL RAYMOND: We are concerned that Nyala is a preview, is a coming attraction of what happens next.
[** ここでは比喩的に使われているが、もともとの意味は… coming attraction = An as yet unreleased film that is being advertised to potential customers (thefreedictionary) 宣伝中のこれから公開される映画 ]

[38:18]★今日のおすすめ★ Tamara Keith and Amy Walter on the political power of organized labor

NPR’s Tamara Keith and Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report with Amy Walter join Geoff Bennett to discuss the latest political news, including the political power of organized labor and the motivating force of abortion in elections.
《月曜恒例:2人の政治アナリストと今週の動きを占う; Politics Monday; Amy Walter and Tamara Keith; "Scranton Joe"; Jim Messina; Senator Rick Scott; Glenn Youngkin, Governor of Virginia; 》

[39:11] And their pitch is that Biden's policies are good for working people, that, yes, it's a climate change, trying to prevent climate change and spending money on clean energy is important, but, also, it's creating jobs. Yes, this CHIPS bill exists, but it's also about bringing jobs into the United States. So that is the pitch that he's making.
[** CHIPS < the CHIPS and Science Act // CHIPS = creating helpful incentives to produce semiconductors ]

[39:42] as you both well know, big labor helps build the backbone of the Biden base. Does Scranton Joe need to find a new approach to shore up that part of the electorate, or what?
[** Scranton Joe または Joe from Scranton = JoeはJoe Biden大統領、Scrantonは彼の出身地ペンシルバニア州スクラントンのこと。炭鉱、鉄鋼、鉄道の街だったが、その衰退の中でBiden家の暮らしも楽ではなかった。そんな生い立ちから、肉体労働者や組合労働者の気持ちが分かって、彼らに語りかけることが出来る人物、という意味でScranton Joeという。バイデン大統領自身もそのイメージを気に入っていると思われる。 ]

[43:13] A bipartisan "We're coming together to help the people" image is great for Joe Biden, not so great for Ron DeSantis, who was running for president in the Republican -- on the Republican side and doesn't want a repeat of the embrace that Chris Christie had with then-President Obama.

[** (Published Oct 30, 2012) Republican New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, a fierce critic of Barack Obama, praised the president and the federal government’s response to the massive storm Sandy, which caused widespread damage and power outages along the East Coast...
https://nationalpost.com/news/republican-governor-chris-christie-lauds-obama-for-outstanding-hurricane-sandy-response ]

[47:05](再放送)As wildfire smoke spreads, millions of Americans lack access to respiratory care


Smoke from the record-setting Canadian wildfires is again making the air hazardous to breathe this weekend across the Northern Plains and upper Midwest. As the smoke triggers breathing problems for many, it also highlights the fact that more than 5 million Americans don't have easy access to a respiratory specialist. John Yang reports.
《wildfires; respiratory specialist; 》

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

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■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News


