
今日の英語ニュースから [2023.01.20]

PBS NewsHour Jan. 19, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[02:13]★今日のおすすめ★ 債務上限到達 当面デフォルト回避はできるが…

[06:08] A lot of that spending happened during the Trump era. And those same Republicans weren't sounding like Kevin McCarthy sounded today. What gives? [* = Why is this happening? What is happening? What is going on?]

[08:10] 今日のその他のニュース

[12:19] ロー対ウェイド裁判を覆した判決の草案リーク事件 最高裁報告書

[13:47] And, as you said, at the -- at the end, they could not show by a preponderance of evidence that any one person was responsible for the leak. [* preponderance of the evidence =(law) A legal standard, applied in many jurisdictions for deciding the outcome of civil disputes, which requires that evidence be sufficient to determine that a claim is more likely to be true than not. ]

[18:09] 市民参加の新しい難民定住促進プログラム 専門家に聞く

[23:47]★今日のおすすめ★ ガスレンジの健康への影響 小児ぜんそくとの関連

[24:13] In fact, there are even some new government incentives for swapping out older stoves. [* to swap out = To exchange something for something else]

[25:54] New York City has committed to reducing its carbon footprint by 80 percent in 2050. [* carbon footprint = A measure of the amount of carbon dioxide produced by a person, organization or state in a given time.]

[29:55] [* IHコンロの働きを英語で説明すると… ] But newer induction cooktops use electricity to create a magnetic field. The electrons inside pots and pans that contain iron try to align with the magnet, vibrating tens of thousands of times per second, creating friction and heat. The result is better energy efficiency, faster cooking, and no combustion fumes.

[31:08] And, of course, if there's anything I can do that can, like, make the smallest change in the world, then, of course, I'm going to be down to help. [* down to = ready to (do something)]

[34:54] 俳優Alec Baldwin過失致死罪で告訴 芸能記者に聞く

[39:32]★今日のおすすめ★ Ardern NZ首相任期終了前に辞任へ

[44:26] 映画『Women Talking』 監督に聞く

[44:26] A new film is getting Oscar buzz [* =rumors about a movie getting nominated for an Oscar] for its standout acting performances and unusually deep exploration of sexual violence.

[44:53] A series of sexual assaults has taken place in a conservative Mennonite community, [* Mennonite = メノー派教徒。キリスト教プロテスタントの一派。兵役拒否、質素な生活などを特色とする。] far removed from modern life,

[51:15] 都市を貫く高速道路が象徴する歴史的不公平


