seven the youth (ultraseven for adults) #25 140℃ below zero
#25 140℃ below zero
Mt Takao is one of the most popular spots in TOKIO.
Not merely on weekends but on weekends too,
a lot of climbers visit it by train or by car.
You can use a lift to the half if necessary,
and if not, you can enjoy a long hiking.
It is possible to choose from easy course to hard.
Mountain climbing boom these days acts
as a spur for a countless number of instant climbers to climb Mt Takao,
which is so rich in nature that climbers have just stepped in its small part.
One day off season,
when the number of climbers has begun to decrease,
a MYSTERIOUS ten-meter cube landed on so deep in the mountains
that nobody reached it.
All the faces were mirrors,
so the cube fitted in well with the green environment.
After a while, the top face opened and exhaled snow up to the sky,
first slowly, and more and more heavily.
Snow cloud spread more and more widely over the sky,
and snow white began piling up.
When MOROBOSHI finished singing, it had begun snowing.
(As predicted.)
He left for Takao by Chuo-sen.
The other day, yellow Beetle was blown up on Kan-etsu Highway (#24),
so his transportation was a railway alone.
When he got to Takao, snow had piled up over the ankles.
It took still a long time from the station to the hideout,
and it usually did not take MOROBOSHI so much, but it really did.
The mirror cube was located right above the hideout.
"MYSTERIOUS. Temperature outside is extremely falling.
It's been already below minus 10 degrees."
As a matter of course,
the hideout took complete measures against snow and cold.
"Anyway, we should have everything ready against a snowy day."
"YES HOPE!!! (Roger!!!)"
The members changed clothes of new materials,
when the power went out and they had blackout.
Instantly, the main power supply switched to the auxiliary one.
MOROBOSHI passed Takaosan-guchi Station,
the snow rushed up to his calves.
(Something wrong, it's unnatural.)
His guitar case on shoulder felt heavier than usual.
He was weak against an excess of darkness and coldness,
probably because he came from the land of light.
As time went, the blizzard went heavier.
(Cannot be helped.)
He looked for RED glasses, only to find nothing.
(My gosh! Might be lost when I changed shoulders to carry the guitar case.)
The snowfall had got to his knees.
Aliens POLE sent GANDAR, the transfer machine,
to the Earth so that they could bring the snow in from their planet.
They were going to turn the environment of the Earth
into that of the planet POLE for the purpose of INVADE.
The aliens were so short, about 20-30 cm in height,
that they could not respond to ET radar.
Three aliens POLE appeared suddenly,
surrounding MOROBOSHI in the blizzard.
❄How do you feel? Suffering from coldness, aren't you? Ha, ha, ha, ha.❄
((Shut up, shorty.))
❄We can just act at absolute zero, 273.15℃, so unfortunately, we cannot finish you, SEVEN.❄
((Just wait now.))
❄None of your bluff, ha, ha, ha, ha.❄
They disappeared, white out.
Meanwhile, the Youth members had something hot to drink,
tea or coffee, inside.
The force gate was completely frozen, so HAWKs could not get out.
"Couldn't be helped even if vulnerable to nature.
But if it should be not natural, might be too vulnerable,"
said KIRIYA.
"We cannot do anything, can me?" FURUDA
"He must have taken shelter or refuge, I hope." SOMA
"He will never die." AMABE
that he would just be run out of energy
if he continued to move on,
and laid himself down to the white ground,
summoning his avatar.
(Leaving my life to you, MICRA… )
MICRA, with its ability of detecting,
began to retrace his footprints back.
(OK, aren't you, the Youth?)
The snow cloud GANDAR was emitting off has already covered
all over TOKIO from the center of Mt Takao,
and what was more, it is spreading more and more widely.
The temperature will soon get to -140℃.
Inside the hideout, the auxiliary power supply had only a little left.
"Prepare flashlights and candles." FURUDA
"Also boil much water." YURI
"Who not the devil but the alien did it?" SOMA
"Must be. Even so, we cannot do anything." AMABE
"All we can do is to wait for all the good things to come,
isn't it, Rapunzel?" KIRIYA
MICRA, which did not at all feel cold,
faithfully went on looking for red glasses.
At last on its way back, it found the glasses on the snow.
The moment MICRA switched places with MOROBOSHI,
aliens POLE appeared and surrounded him again.
❄Even so, too late. Soon absolute zero, our Earth.❄
The next moment,
MOROBOSHI teleported far above the snow cloud.
The sun was about to rise above the top of horizon that bent like a bow.
The small sunshine was enough for him to charge energy.
Looking down over the cloud carpet, he found the eye of snow storm.
He fell into the hole at the center of eye.
(Good-bye, shorties.)
A huge meteor was dropped into GANDAR's mouth,
and covered it to suffocation.
The mirror cube could not stand internal pressure,
and burst ka-boom with aliens in.
The hard ice was solved.
The storm stopped and the temperature came up rapidly.
The snow damage had not so widely spread as expected.
After a much longer trip than usual,
MOROBOSHI reached the hideout.
The members welcomed him as usual,
only that candles replaced as room lights
and they wore winter clothes.
"Good morning, MOROBOSHI!"
"Great snow, wasn't it?"
"Tea or coffee?"
Then, the power got restored.
"Amazing, everybody was all right,
because it was so extremely cold."
(NON MART, or human beings
cannot have stood the coldness without the power.)
"Thanks to these suits of new materials, isn't?
How much can they withstand in low temperature, Professor?"
"Um? Down to absolute zero… "
#25 the end