
You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth

English follows

ティンは、私の夫の LBS Sloan の同級生。フィリピンの生まれ育ちで、アメリカの大学で出会ったアメリカ人の夫氏と娘二人(上の子がうちの娘と同じ年)を帯同してロンドンに来た。























Kristine is my husband's classmate at LBS Sloan. She came with her husband and two daughters (the older one is the same age as my girl), and they are precious friends who we can still spend holidays together in London for four years now, while most of the friend families have already returned to their respective countries.

Informed that she is a successful female entrepreneur, you might imagine a superwoman with a strong push like Sheryl Sandberg, but Tin's impression is entirely different.

She is always smiley, soft and gentle, a good listener, and a beautiful woman with no pushy attitude. So, yeah, she's a lot of fun to hang out with.

On Sunday, we ate Sunday Roast at a cosy pub in Richmond with our kids. As we exchanged ideas for the children's future, I found that she's considering having them receive higher education in the United States.

"In the U.S.!? How come?" I asked in surprise.

"Hard work," Tin replied.

I worked for Japanese branches of the Global Tech Giants from 2000 to 2016, even though I had never lived in the US. Heisei-Japan was notorious for its long working hours, so I appreciated the laid-back, more human lifestyle here in London. 

A tiny, mischievous imp has taken up residence in my brain, whispering sweet nothings like, ”This is the life…relaxation is king…Let's chill in London forever."

I was about to bring up the gun debate in the U.S., but Tin, always able to see the forest for the trees, chimed in.

"There's a gun problem," she said concisely. "but I want them to learn diligence and competitiveness."

It has weight when she says it.

I know what she meant. Remote work is still an active topic in the U.K. (or in Europe), but I heard that everyone's pretty much back in the office in the US and Japan. Speaking of school systems, I've found London's secondary school entrance exams to be a breeze compared to the intense competition in Tokyo.

Looking back, I remember how diligently I studied and worked in my younger days. It was tough, but I remember enjoying it and that's what brought me here.

Tin's words of wisdom reminded me that I must consider my children's future.

 I am raising children abroad - why?

Despite years of hard work, I still felt limited by my English. The harsh realities of the market (including weaken currency) are reflected in local employee's performance evaluations.

When I think about my country – where tariffs and consumption taxes are low, but hard work remains while productivity declines and the population shrinks – I feel a strong sense of crisis that we will continue to be tossed about by external circumstances.

In order to build a Japan that we can all be proud of, a Japan that everyone dreams of living in, we need a survival strategy. Younger generation must be tough and open.

 Seeking hard work in the U.S. ?

 Dear Tin, Thank you for waking me up.

 After all, you are a lion mum, no matter how gentle you look.

