Stinger: The communication ship SS Layton has become disabled and has wandered into foreign territory.
Stinger: There are MIGs in the area and tensions are high.
Stinger: If you witness a hostile act, you will return fire.
✅with regard to 〜に関して
Iceman: This is not personal, but with regard to Maverick, Is he the best man for the job?
Iceman: OK Wood, I’m taking the lead. Let’s identify them.
Hollywood: I'm hit! I’m hit! I’m coming apart! I can’t control it!We're going down.
Iceman: Mustang, this is Voodoo one, we are totally defensive! Launch the alert fighters!
Both catapults are broken. We can’t launch any aircraft yet, sir.
Stinger: Even though the other side denies the incident...Congratulations!
Marverick: I thought of being an instructor, sir.