
『あの病気』の感染拡大の前と後の私の生活 :その7 犬の散歩のように歩くこと





歩く道は、たいして面白いものもないので、犬の散歩のような感じで退屈ではあります。前に見た映画にちなんで言うと、"My walk as a dog"です。でも、でも、今思い出したのですが、確か冒険家の植村直己さんの知人が、歩いている彼を見かけて「何をしているのか」と彼に聞いたら、彼は「歩いているんだ」と言って、そのまま去っていったそうです。





My life before and after the spread of "that disease" : Part 7 Walking like a dog's walk

I didn't go out yesterday because it was raining all the time. If it doesn't rain, I try to walk outside almost every morning and evening. I didn't walk much from the time I started working from home until March.

However, from around March, my pants suddenly became cramped. In fact, when I weighed myself, I had gained more than a kilogram since last October. If I go on like this, my pants won't come off, so I thought I had to do something about it, so I decided to walk.

Looking at the daily average of November 2019 with the pedometer of the iPhone, I was walking 6700 steps. Last November was 4200 steps. Originally, I'm not a person who eats a lot, but if the amount of input is the same and the amount of output decreases, I'm still getting fat.

So, I walked an average of 6500 steps a day in April and May. I walk for about 80 minutes in total in the morning and evening. My commute took about 3 hours for a round trip, so walking is a useful way to spend time. If possible, I would like to walk on the dirt road, but since it is asphalt, I sometimes feel discomfort in my knees and hips. When I was commuting every day, I had to walk a little, stand and sit, so it may have been good. For now, I feel like I can continue except on rainy days and strong winds.

The walking path isn't very interesting, so it feels like a dog walking and it's boring. It's "My walk as a dog" after the movie I saw before. But as I recall, when an acquaintance of adventurer Naomi Uemura saw him walking and asked him, "What are you doing?", He said, "I'm walking." And he left as it was.

As I walk, I see people running and biking, but I'm sure many of them stay home. In such a situation, I have read an article about lifestyle-related diseases and the possibility that the number of people with depression will increase.

If it gets cold, I may find it awkward to walk, but I would like to continue as much as possible.

However, I see strange people these days. People who spit on the side of the road, people who walk while shifting their masks and smoking, and people who are pedaling while running bicycles in parallel and talking. When I was looking at the sports club site, I saw women talking about exchanging breathable mask information when exercising. I don't think it makes sense to wear a mask.
I feel like I understand the feelings of a dog who can't go for a walk, but it's going to rain tomorrow, so I don't know if I can walk.

