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  • 旧優生保護法 不妊手術の強制めぐる裁判 初の和解成立 nhk.or.jp
    【AI翻訳】A settlement has been reached in a lawsuit concerning the forced sterilizations under the former Eugenic Protection Law. The settlement includes compensation payments from the government, indicating support for the victims. This acknowledges past human rights violations to some extent.

  • 「一生懸命また生きていこうと」旧優生保護法訴訟で政府と和解した西スミ子さん喜び 最高裁判決後初の成立 東京新聞
    【AI翻訳】In the old eugenics protection law lawsuit, Ms. Nishi Sumiko expressed her joy after reaching a settlement with the government. Following the Supreme Court ruling, the settlement represents the culmination of a long struggle, revealing a hopeful outlook for her future.

  • 北海道で「業務スーパー」FC7店舗を展開、横浜の会社が破産手続き開始…労組ストで一斉休業 読売新聞オンライン
    【AI翻訳】A company from Yokohama operating seven franchise stores of Gyomu Super in Hokkaido has entered bankruptcy proceedings. All stores went on a simultaneous shutdown due to a labor union strike.

  • 強制不妊訴訟、初の和解 脳性まひ77歳女性と国 1650万円支払い 産経ニュース
    【AI要約】強制不妊訴訟において、国は脳性まひの77歳女性に対し1650万円を支払うことで初の和解に達しました。これは日本の過去の不妊政策に関する重要な判決となります。 【AI翻訳】In a forced sterilization lawsuit, the government reached the first settlement by agreeing to pay 16.5 million yen to a 77-year-old woman with cerebral palsy. This marks an important ruling regarding Japan's past sterilization policies.

  • 「AI著作権チェックリスト&ガイダンス」 文化庁が資料公開 「著作権侵害をどのように立証できるか?」など解説 ITmedia
    【AI要約】文化庁が「AI著作権チェックリスト&ガイダンス」を公開。著作権の侵害をどのように立証するかなど、AIに関連する著作権問題について解説している。 【AI翻訳】The Cultural Affairs Agency has released "AI Copyright Checklist & Guidance," explaining issues related to copyright in AI, including how to prove copyright infringement.

  • 旧優生保護法の強制不妊訴訟で和解成立 国の賠償認めた最高裁判決後の和解は初めて FNNプライムオンライン
    【AI翻訳】A settlement has been reached in the forced sterilization lawsuit under the former Eugenic Protection Law. This is the first settlement following the Supreme Court's ruling recognizing the state's compensation, and it is expected to advance compensation for victims.

  • レカロ(RECARO)が破産申請 従業員には知らされず 自動車用シートの名門 Yahoo!ニュース
    【AI翻訳】The prestigious automotive seat manufacturer RECARO has filed for bankruptcy. However, this fact has not been communicated to the employees, and details remain unclear.

  • 「つながる特許庁in 高知」を開催します!(特許庁) 日本商工会議所
    【AI要約】特許庁は「つながる特許庁in 高知」を開催。地域の中小企業や研究機関との連携を強化し、特許や知的財産権の重要性を普及。参加者は専門家からのアドバイスを受けられる機会も提供。
    【AI翻訳】The Japan Patent Office will hold "Connected Patent Office in Kochi". It aims to strengthen collaboration with local SMEs and research institutions, promoting the importance of patents and intellectual property rights. Participants will also have the opportunity to receive advice from experts.

  • 強制不妊訴訟で初の和解=77歳女性、旧優生保護法巡り―東京地裁 時事通信ニュース
    【AI翻訳】The Tokyo District Court has reached the first settlement in a forced sterilization lawsuit based on the old Eugenic Protection Law, involving a 77-year-old woman and the government. As part of the settlement, the woman will receive compensation from the state. This historic ruling has garnered significant attention.

  • 父親殺害の元医師 懲役13年の判決確定へ ALS嘱託殺人でも審理 nhk.or.jp
    【AI翻訳】A former doctor convicted of murdering his father is set to serve a prison sentence of 13 years. Additionally, a trial related to assisted suicide for a patient with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is also planned.

  • 旧優生保護法 不妊手術の強制めぐる裁判 初の和解成立へ nhk.or.jp
    【AI翻訳】A settlement is anticipated regarding the forced sterilizations under the old eugenics law. This marks an important step toward justice for the victims, related to Japan's past policies.

  • 死刑囚の養子は「親族」手紙やりとり許可 福岡地裁判決 産経ニュース
    【AI翻訳】The Fukuoka District Court ruled that the adopted child of a death row inmate could correspond through letters as "family." This decision allows communication between the death row inmate and their family, potentially affecting future practices.

  • 名東区の中1自殺訴訟、名古屋高裁が和解勧告 控訴審で即日結審 中日新聞
    【AI翻訳】The Nagoya High Court recommended a settlement in the lawsuit regarding the suicide of a first-year middle school student in Meito Ward and concluded the appeal hearing on the same day. The bereaved family is holding the school accountable, and there is a movement to resolve the issue through settlement.

  • 郵便局強盗致傷 被告人に懲役8年の判決/埼玉県(テレ玉) Yahoo!ニュース
    【AI翻訳】In a postal robbery case in Saitama Prefecture, the defendant received an 8-year prison sentence. The incident involved violent actions, leaving the victim seriously injured. The court noted the defendant showed no remorse and posed a risk to society.

  • 旧優生保護法めぐる国賠訴訟で初の和解成立 東京地裁 TBS NEWS DIG Powered by JNN
    【AI翻訳】The Tokyo District Court has established the first settlement between the plaintiffs and the government in a national compensation lawsuit regarding the old Eugenic Protection Law. While the details of the settlement are not explicitly stated, the plaintiffs feel acknowledged for the unfair treatment under the law and hope for progress in future legal reforms.

  • 強制不妊訴訟で初の和解 脳性まひの77歳女性と国 1650万円支払い 「今日はとてもうれしい」 沖縄タイムス
    【AI翻訳】In a forced sterilization lawsuit, a 77-year-old woman with cerebral palsy reached a settlement with the government, receiving compensation of 16.5 million yen. She expressed her feelings, saying, "I am very happy today."

  • 大阪弁護士会、中小の法的リスクを5段階診断 8月から 日本経済新聞
    【AI要約】大阪弁護士会は、中小企業の法的リスクを5段階で診断するサービスを提供を開始する。2023年8月から利用可能で、企業の状況に応じたアドバイスを行うことで、法的トラブルを未然に防ぐことを目指す。 【AI翻訳】The Osaka Bar Association will start offering a service to diagnose the legal risks of small and medium-sized enterprises on a five-tier scale. Available from August 2023, the aim is to prevent legal troubles by providing tailored advice based on the company's situation.

  • 強制不妊訴訟、初の和解 東京地裁、女性に国が1650万円支払い 北日本新聞社 webun
    【AI翻訳】The Tokyo District Court recognized a settlement in which the government will pay 16.5 million yen to a woman who underwent forced sterilization. This is the first case of settlement, highlighting the significance of acknowledging the woman's claim.

  • 旧優生保護法巡る裁判で初の和解成立 原告の女性「また一生懸命生きていく」(テレビ朝日系(ANN)) Yahoo!ニュース
    【AI翻訳】A settlement has been reached in the first lawsuit regarding the old Eugenic Protection Law, and the plaintiff expressed her determination to "live diligently from now on." The settlement acknowledges the injustice of the law, raising hopes for preventing recurrence.
