#BLUE_WINGS by Ellie Ogawa

#BLUE_WINGS by Ellie Ogawa

Wings of freedom
Dedicate wisdom
For the Kingdom of freedom
For others With others
Flying together
With the upper wings thinking
Bringing the world together with Peace

by #Ellie_Ogawa and #Hiroto_Uchida
with Sophian Friends

2021 105th NIKA Exhibition
the attached music is "Lullaby of Lafcadio Hearn"
and "Lullaby of Mozart" from the CD"Lullaby"
by #Hisako_Yoshikawa

For Private Use Only

The copyrights of the music are belonging to the affiliate of Hisako Yoshikawa.

"Lullaby of Lafcadio Hearn" is a lullaby composed by Hisako Yoshikawa using melodies of Japanese handed-down lullabies.

"Mozart's Lullaby (Fries' Lullaby)" is a lullaby composed by Austrian composer Bernhard Fries. It has long been regarded as Mozart's composition, but in recent years, a German researcher found a description of "Fleece composition" in a songbook found in the library in Hamburg in the latter half of the 18th century, and it was changed to "Fleece's Lullaby".
#The_sound_of_the_wind played by one #noble_soul will become an #ensemble that invites many friends and calls a beautiful "#hope" and will flow to everyone.

”Sophia bringing the world together”

Iranians say
"Many Japanese people are always in war same as in the Middle East.
Many people are dead. It's a dangerous place. "
Because in Japan
Every year, 30,000 people commit suicide.
Much more than the number of people who die each year in war in the Middle East.
This is "Japanese people They are killing each other. "
"War is always happening in Japan"
So it's not safe at all.
➡ We think that's exactly the case.
"War is happening in Japan" ➡ "Japanese people
Killing each other ”
# What is causing war in Japanese society?
➡Change the Japanese mind to #upper_wing_thinking
While turning conflict into competition
# For a society that is kind to the weak
➡It will be important to change.
The Japanese have to wake up
👉 It is "decrease in fertility rate" which is the same root as "increase in suicides".
The cause of Japan's decline is
Came from preventing birth and nurturing of children, who will become a growth engine for Japanese society and lead the next generation of Japan
There is a cause in the current Japanese society itself,
👉 We should start to change each one Isn't it necessary?
[Cause] #Same as with the increase in suicides,
Japanese society in current is possessing the cause of
the "#society_where_children_cannot_be_born_and_raised" is
👉 Disregard of people sovereignty
👉 Preserve discrimination
👉 Relief for the weak is not progressing
👉 In the direction of creating and preserving inequality
All these matters are connected to where current Japanese society is heading for ・・・
#文理融合 #リベラルアーツ #国際性 #理論と実践 #ソフィア文化芸術ネットワーク #アルペなんみんセンター #Sophia_University_Alumni_Association #Sophia #Upper_Wing_Thinking #ソフィア会 #SNSソフィア会 #法学部ソフィア会 #上智大学経鷲会 #理工学部ソフィア会 #地球環境学科同窓会 #鎌倉ソフィア会 #湘南ソフィアンズの会 #上智大学吹奏楽研究会 #上智大学吹奏楽団 #上智大学管弦楽団 #上智大学音楽協議会 #上翼思考 #叡智ヒエラルキー #上智 #ソフィア #上智大学ソフィア会 #宮嶋みぎわ #栂野理恵 #河野典子 #小川エリ #内田寛人 #二科会 #NIKA
