"IRONE" the Sound of Color "Scottish" by #Ellie_Ogawa and #Hiroto_Uchida with All Sophian Friends under Covid-19 Sophia Cats and Dogs Association 2022年5月26日 17:46 "IRONE" the Sound of Color "Scottish" by #Ellie_Ogawa and #Hiroto_Uchida with All Sophian Friends under Covid-19The attached music is Mendelssohn's " Symphony No.3 in A minor" "Scottish", Op.56 by Orchestra Afia conducted by #Daisuke_Muranaka I. Andante con moto-Allegro un poco agitatoII. Vivace non troppoIII. AdagioIV. Allegro vivacissimo-Allegro maestoso assaiCopyrights of the music are belonging to the affiliates of Afiafor Private Use OnlyKitty! This is another series of the recent Quatro-core Bio Quantum IC chips with Scotch whisky flavor for AI, which was designed to solve Quantum entanglement between Kitties and Doggies, specially tailored to solve complex human errors as fools such as AI-factor by combining Biochips and digital parts, which is induced by kitties’ emotional factors caused by your doggy.And some of the Design was already successfully verified to release the legal bond, which is the major factor causing the quantum entanglement between some couples of Kitty and Doggy. All the IPs of the Chip designs are belonging to Our design shop. #The_sound_of_the_wind played by one #noble_soul will become an #ensemble that invites many friends and calls a beautiful "#hope" and will flow to everyone.We should have valuable content standing on the humanism to show the idea and object, where all the humans can share, for others with others and bring the world together with Sophia to eliminate conflict, aiming to co-existence and co-prosperity of diversity, where we should strive to achieve world peace with sustainable prosperity of all human on the earth. We should never mislead "bring the world together" in the direction of "totalitarianism" by hierarchy control using information hierarchy, which will be leading to "fascism" by supporting the social egos against democracy. #文理融合 #リベラルアーツ #国際性 #理論と実践 #ソフィア文化芸術ネットワーク #Sophia_University_Alumni_Association #Sophia #Upper_Wing_Thinking #ソフィア会 #SNSソフィア会 #法学部ソフィア会 #上智大学経鷲会 #理工学部ソフィア会 #地球環境学科同窓会 #鎌倉ソフィア会 #湘南ソフィアンズの会 #上智大学吹奏楽研究会 #SCB #上智大学吹奏楽団 #SMB #上智大学管弦楽団 #上智大学音楽協議会 #上翼思考 #叡智ヒエラルキー #上智 #ソフィア #上智大学ソフィア会 #二科会 #NIKA #小川エリ #内田寛人 この記事が参加している募集 #多様性を考える 29,084件 #音楽 #多様性を考える #リベラルアーツ #SOPHIA #ソフィア #理論と実践 #上智 #文理融合 #国際性 #ensemble #二科会 #上智大学ソフィア会 #内田寛人 #NIKA #法学部ソフィア会 #上翼思考 #SNSソフィア会 #上智大学経鷲会 #理工学部ソフィア会 #鎌倉ソフィア会 #湘南ソフィアンズの会 #上智大学音楽協議会 #上智大学吹奏楽研究会 #上智大学吹奏楽団 #小川エリ #Upper_Wing_Thinking #地球環境学科同窓会 #SMB #叡智ヒエラルキー #上智大学管弦楽団 #ソフィア会 #Sophia_University_Alumni_Association #Hiroto_Uchida #Ellie_Ogawa #ソフィア文化芸術ネットワーク #noble_soul #The_sound_of_the_wind #SCB #Daisuke_Muranaka この記事が気に入ったらサポートをしてみませんか? サポート