四線倶楽部 -室内楽-
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四線倶楽部の“室内楽”、四線で奏でるクラシックの名曲第一弾は『モーツァルトの子守歌』。 近年の研究によりオーストリアの作曲家ベルンハルト・フリースの作品と判明した同曲。今回は長年親しまれてきた題名にて、沖縄の新たな楽器“四線”のやさしい響きに、ウクレレ、弦楽四重奏を組み合わせ、癒しの子守歌を奏でます。 また“天からの声”とも称されるバスーン(ファゴット)を随所に効果的に使い、西洋と南国沖縄&ハワイを結び、世界中の赤ちゃんに心地よいお休みと穏やかなひと時をお届けします。
The 1st tune of "Yonshin Club - The Chamber Music" is Wiegenlied(Lullaby),K.350 called "Schlafe, mein Prinzchen, schlaf' ein". For many years, the common view of this mellody was composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. But by the current research, Attribution for the melody has since shifted to either Bernhard Flies. Now we play this healing song with Hawaiian ukulele, the classical string quartet, the bassoon, and Okinawan-Japanese new music instrument "Yonshin", for babies all over the world.
- 「モーツァルトの子守歌」四線倶楽部webサイト -
(P) Sakurai Music Factory LPC.
The 1st tune of "Yonshin Club - The Chamber Music" is Wiegenlied(Lullaby),K.350 called "Schlafe, mein Prinzchen, schlaf' ein". For many years, the common view of this mellody was composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. But by the current research, Attribution for the melody has since shifted to either Bernhard Flies. Now we play this healing song with Hawaiian ukulele, the classical string quartet, the bassoon, and Okinawan-Japanese new music instrument "Yonshin", for babies all over the world.
- 「モーツァルトの子守歌」四線倶楽部webサイト -
(P) Sakurai Music Factory LPC.
¥ 200