「タイパ」 (← time performance, time-effectiveness, time efficiency)
This word seems to have been in vogue recently, but I wouldn’t say I like it very much.
It makes me feel as if I am being rushed and urged to do something, causing me to get mentally uncomfortable, if not physically. In some cases, it can also be physically demanding. In the first place, as a person who paradoxically believes in the “utility of waste in life,” I don’t really like it.
By and large, what those who loudly appeal for「タイパ」do in their spare time is, at best, playing video games, for example, and some even engage in pranks that sometimes amount to social nuisances.
In this connection, watching a movie at double speed is undoubtedly efficient, but can you really “taste” the work? Likewise, can a person who reads a comic book at high speed “appreciate” the splendor of the pictures?
On the other hand, many cases of original discoveries and inventions that others cannot conceive, for instance, are often the result of long periods of deep contemplation and meditation with many twists and turns—“apparent uselessness.”
So, let us not live in such a hurry. Instead, let us savor life more carefully.
「タイパ」(← タイムパフォーマンス、時間効率、時間対効果)