
🔸MILK BREW ・ New リリース

(Pictures by PostCoffee)

🥛 Milk Brew, edition 2024 🥛

Long time no see! 
We've been busy for the past weeks with a few projects in the works to make sure you spend a refreshing summer! 🍋
PostCoffee 📮 just announced last week the release for the second time of its own "Milk Brew Packs", after the success of last year's edition. ✨
Roasters created a blend of sweet Brazil and floral/berry Ethiopia beans to find the perfect balance that pairs the best with milk.
Check it out here ↓↓↓☺

It's a product I enjoy myself as it is convenient for a gift to anyone who likes coffee but doesn't necessarily have a coffee maker, or for people who don't prefer black/bitter coffee. It's super sweet on its own (no sugar added), easy to make, and delicious. 🤍 
I'll reuse the pouch as my makeup bag. 



コーヒーでリフレッシュしたい人のための商品! 🧊
ポーチは、化粧品ケース、薬ケース、または外出時にコーヒードリップバッグを持ってくるなど、日常生活で再利用できます. 💄

デザインに関しては、今年の Pantone 投票カラー「ピーチ ファズ 13-1023」とより鮮やかでダイナミックな雰囲気が調和しているところが気に入っています。🍑

Have you ever made milk brew at home ?
Or do you prefer iced cafe au lait ?🍃

P.S:  Doesn't it look amazing with the V60SP Chrome Orange ?? 😆

NEON ORANGE kinda day 🧡

