
















前川多仁 作品一覧「Shangri-La」

Why do I create teddy bears?

I make teddy bears not just for one reason, but for a combination of reasons, such as the feeling that the dots were scattered around and then suddenly connected by lines.
I would like to spell out what kind of dots they were.

People have been making dolls in the form of human figures since ancient times. As you can see from the fact that dolls have been excavated from ancient tombs and ruins around the world, people probably put something important in the dolls while putting their thoughts, wishes, and souls on the dolls or making a scapegoat. Many of these rituals and actions are still in existence in Japan, as well as in other parts of the world. As famous examples, it is said that the Hinamatsuri dolls in the Japanese Doll's Festival have originated from children's substitution. In addition, people have given special names to rocks that were naturally weathered into human or animal forms and have worshipped them as strange rocks. In this way, people have been giving special meanings to human and animal shapes.

The main theme of my own work has been mentioned several times in the past, but it would be too long to write in detail. So please refer to the papers and social networking sites I have posted and linked to on my website (https://kazbot.jimdofree.com), as well as the comments of ISHIBASHI, the owner of PAKUPAKUAN, and Mr. AOYAMA.

However, that would be too irresponsible and an enormous amount of work, so let me briefly summarize. I express myself in search of the "so-called divine being" and its world, salvation, hope, and wishes. What "so-called" means that many people have already realized that there is no God anymore since Nietzsche's time. Nevertheless, I suspect that people know that there is no God and still they seek God's replacement behind idols, robot cartoons, video game characters, actresses, actors, rock stars, hip-hop groups, and so on. In other words, sadly, people are so weak and fragile that they have to rely on "God". That's why I want to create a substitute for the "so-called divine beings". I create my works in order to help as many people as possible, and above all, to save myself.

First of all, the aforementioned idea of the human shape links to my idea of the "divine being”. People must have sensed the presence of "divine beings" behind the humanoids and put something important in the doll. This is why I have been wanting to create something in the form of a doll for a long time.

On the other hand, and this is a reference to one of my best-known bedclothes works when I was a child, I loved a blanket with special effects heroes printed on them, and I used to grasp them every day, everywhere. When I wore the blanket, I felt as if I was an invincible hero, and I was able to stay strong through the scary nights. Likewise, I always had a superalloy robot with me. This was also an invincible item for me, that is, an alternative to the "divine being".

Likewise, I have an older sister, so I suspect that our stuffed animals were a similarly invincible item, "divine being". Children love their stuffed animals and will not let go of them, even when they are falling apart. For children, a stuffed animal is a strong ally, a friend, a hero, that is, a divine object itself, more than anything else.

And since I am a dye-weaving artist, I use clothes as my main material. And I think that the stuffed toy, which is mainly made of cloth and stuffed with cotton, should be the very human shape artworks that I should create. And instead of using different shapes to represent the stuffed animal itself, I decided to use a single shape. This is because I followed the idea of how to make a kimono, which is to find out how various expressions can be made by the dyeing and weaving method alone within a certain shape. Also, in order to make my works easy to understand (my recent works have been trying to avoid any difficulties to understand as much as possible and to make many people sympathize with them), I chose the most famous stuffed animal in the world, teddy bears.

Plus, there's another point. I often use wolves as a motif in my work. I was born and raised in Tanba Sasayama City, a rural area surrounded by mountains. As a child, I played in the mountains and also played video games at home on my Famicom (NES). I think that is what influenced my current style of creation, which is seamlessly connected to nature and computers.

Aside from that, for me, mountains, especially at night, are the very sacred world. I think that "divine being" dwells in them and the mountain animals become their messengers at night, watching over us, or getting angry. At the top of the messenger's list, the Japanese wolf reigned, which was extinct. Japanese wolves, also written as the Great God in Chinese character, were protectors of livestock from beast damage and also were key players in maintaining the order of the food chain. And the influence of the anime, "Princess Mononoke", which many people of my generation are familiar with, is still very important to me. I can watch the wolves in the zoo for hours, and for some reason, they bring tears to my eyes. I hope that my feelings for the wolves are well understood, but the fact is that the Japanese wolves are now extinct. So, what is the animal that reigns at the top of the mountain now? Well, it is a bear. But still, bears cannot keep the food chain like wolves, but if you asked me which animal is most powerful in the mountains right now, I might say the bear.

 The last point is similar to the story of the mountain gods, but in recent years I have been interested in the Ainu culture. In fact, the title of the solo exhibition I held at PAKUPAKU in March 2020 was "Shangri-La", but I was unsure if there was a candidate for "Kamui", which is the Ainu word for God. In Ainu culture, gods dwell in various things, and each of these gods is referred to as Kamui. In the end, I did not use the title "Kamui" because I wanted to create a broader image for the exhibition and I felt that I had not studied enough about Ainu culture. But the belief in the sacredness of mountains and animals and the idea that all things are inhabited by gods are very close to the theme of my work.

One of the most important Ainu rituals is the worship of a bear called Iomante. The ritual of sending its soul (=Kamui) back to the world of the gods. In other words, the bear comes to the human world and is sent back to the mountain world in order to wish on the gods of the mountains and Kamui for happiness in the future.
It is still hard to express in words, but probably, for me, creating a teddy bear is my own way of doing Iomante.

MAEKAWA Kazuhito
13th August, 2020
