Thus spake Daji the Dakini 妲己・荼枳尼・天山がこう語った
this I wrote due to obsession with sounds. that woman. I cannot get her whine out of my head! a-sowing she was!
the tale begins as thus:
this I wrote due to obsession with sounds.
Westerly-facing-entombed philosopher-kings in their blue naive nativity-robed are all thus
by eastern dakini-daemoon seduced, the flighty tempest-devil of the Moon
Man of reason contends in futility, as if sound and light to bend,
against Woman of beauty, in eastern wonderland…with that inklingly
black ink-dyed hoofless history-tracing horse-broom brush-pen.
Daji Dakini an das spricht dann darum
(thus Daji the Dakini upon this spake like so then):
"Wo Woo Woe, Why O, Why A, Why U."
"Why…O A-ru---a, O A ---ruha…Milord…aa…O…soooo, Why"?
"Why is it so? O Woe is it so?"
"Whyyyy O a----riru…O Milord..Why O are you the Thinkerrr- O ru, milord?"
Then they thought they were being deceived by some invented beauty without, and they were in a crisis of cultural and moral decay, and started to devise ways to oppress that natural expression of truth in people's heart, then I suppose against their self and world denial, the Princess then demanded:
--"O 'Not so' Ara muja….O..Maja…Milord…thus you spake: 'Not so' O Woe"*1
"So… amuja amaja…O sorrow….O aru--a airu…"
"Why 'Not so'?"
"Why 'Not so'? Why are you..O so..airu ..marajah…Why are you..uuuu…a-ru, the Thinker, milordo?"
"Why, Oooo yelm are you 'so' , O Lordom,
O rahj..maaa..ja…sooooo-O so-ru,
O Why are you Not…so-a-ru, and Not 'Not so',
O maja, Milord?"
western Philosopher-Kings born and bred on reason are powerless against the power of eastern Daji. Ask Nietzsche all about it, he wrote a loveletter to that woman in his Dithyrambs. I will paraphrase:
"I am only a poet, I am only a fool! O airu…O Poetico mio
I am blinded… dynasty of Song
I crave to be under her feet her humble ground's support ,
O Dakini-rahjini-mayasya.
or upon her rosy palm only an instrument or a tool!
I ---O my odour.
my dolorous sorrow d'or.
that I sowed.
A man cannot say
I can say No-Man
he is a friend or wooer of foe---truth to choose,
without having that unreasonably pouncing
O darkly orange phantom of, meaning my own
uncreated-scrab she-tyger residing in his heart flaming dancing aflame. Flight.
Burn, fright. Flight-Fright-Fight. Foe of Forest. Foreign.
His desert heart….he grows mad, mumbling Man.
seeing greenness spit forth yellow blossoms from his tongue.
the moon yells in decrescendo. it searches for Al-dorado.
the lake of his solitary-grown oasis turns blue and naive
like a meaded-sleeping westly Beast eaten succulent easterly Feast.
the boon of broom is laid gentleman-like upon the bleached-bones.
eye-woad blended, eye-sore'd, Kirkby Kendal.*2
That daemoon was born from broken oaths, for he was unfulfilled;
he sings but breaks off into a croak. people moacka-mock.
She swears fair the European words in over-polite
and pompous Asian tone, Song, the ceremonial eastern-curses. O song.
'O Airu, O where is fair my O Airu.' O-i-aru. I-aru O.
The daemoon's yearn is to have a Jaden vessel,
bearing ruddy-tawnily all broken promises ---knell, vessels;
kneel vassals. bend thy knees, to the Song.
to the Dynasty of Song.
she cajoles and conjures the fleeing pieces
to the cylindrical paradises in her hand, the iatrical sound bends.
the sciatical light in an arch towards her palm tends
It is made of brazen bronze, and resounds when beaten unforbidden
the Pek-King verboten Palace shroud'ed in gold-rimmed purple clotted-clouds.
the blue-rust snake shakes off when the messenger came upon the horse of Khan
black-blooded, O Corn, Ochon("óchón), five-inchling first Cousin once removed,
flying-fingerling messenger wing'd from the Dynasty of Song
that was why her shadow lengthens and stretch her legs upon the lake, i suppose
the rippling meadow takes up the beep-pop sheep's dumb uprooting cause
shadows dance when you wish for 'the twin suns {to} sink behind the lake,',
bubbles fermented form from herbal liqueur is only the salubrious air to take.
the sky sinks stinking to the stillness and immersed itself with moaning silence,
In desert 'Carcosa's ' shadow lengthens to warn, anon the archaic Cathay,
lying like a shiny shark-bellied needle with gemmed green eye-beads
upon hearth-sere the yellow and rotten pile of straw-littered May
the river draining the mud-fields run yellow with sake-decay,
και και και και (Kai, Kai, Kai, Kai)
Where the dark gravity of matter too is bound by a bloodied-silver string,
pulled pearl purling bondage-ring.
Pulled by the shadily purple-beamsome region of cavern upon the Moon,
t'was tout-driven by the tides, and shot-penetrating swift-some by the Monsoon.
(Yue Lao, he was a country…) built upon ink's foundry.
mounted archer-calvary. vivid or fire -arrows peppery.
the black-boon-blooded horse feeding upon green mead of
North-Eastern Gentry, of anon archaic Cathay.
old bubble wabbling and warbling in lunatic tune.
O Lord, O Lordo O Lordom. in his savage breast. manifest, steppe.
…where beats agape like rushing current without rest,
of darkness of his heart.
the yore-gone heart of Truth and Truth-defying, was like a pounding pestle
upon moon-mortar blasting. pounding vajra-pen.
above, over-pouring frowards, inkling to-wards, horizon
dull earth's all dead and staid sad star-light, high Tetschen
down below. frozen roll the downy-dew.
a quietude…a wild cricket in the bush, impish-perturbitude.
a lark's cage. fawning moon, a sound of ichor-frothing mourn
the bent-bow of Chinese violin. sing, Ching, Ching!
Ching! Ching! sing, Song is crying!
a shimmering lake enlightened, a Gong, by a black and lying snot-stone.
once a-wise drunken Hazel, perhaps now a sad-corn. (struck senseless)
Thus they all lead pretending to one and only thing
that exists not in the universe, which she yearns the most of all, the tall----
and mighty Truth. Troth. tall and mighty betrothing. (Silver Silvester Sil night)
Toothsome choice of a silent whine.
Truth-Always. Tomb-Tooth. Sour and sore, things from which we abjure.
Truth-and-Only-Truth. Like a pearl, whirling
held and cherished, gyrating…ravished nightly
In dancing human rolling orcish oral orangutan cavity that is by bivalve a shell.
(in a) nut-shell."
A ring. Ring-O-Ado. "T-O-T".*3 Tod.
Toutatis ToTalis. Tout-Everything.
"Eternal Truth."
from my heart. from my heart that is the beating universe.
Beep-Pop, Bop-Pop. Bubbles. SéanMumbles.
"And 'why' is it?"
O my heat yearns, Oiei.
灯影飾り枕 Tooei.
"Why is it 'Not'?"
Hot! Hot! It was too Hot!
Could such a Thing be True?
Coo, Coo, Coo, Coo.
Coo, Coo, Coo.
Cuckoo. Cocoon.
Divine Administrix---Holy Mountain,
liable to be unreliably exist upon the purpureal-
shadow'ed surface 5
of the Moon 3
the tale ends in bubbles. 5
This I took from Nietzsche and Chambers and mixed with mine.
*1 When I imagined the Woman I described here, I hear Irish keening. And the funeral crying of a couple hired old woman-mourners I heard when I was 16 or so during an authentic old Chinese funeral march, it was incomprehensible to me always---their strangely accented and intoned pronunciation of some out-of-fashion or provincial words, and causes me to wonder often that what despair could have made human capable of producing such a frightening din.
Genisteae - Wikipedia "broom" flower.
Genista tinctoria (dyer's broom, also known as dyer's greenweed or dyer's greenwood), provides a useful yellow dye and was grown commercially for this purpose in parts of Britain into the early 19th century. Woollen cloth, mordanted with alum, was dyed yellow with dyer's greenweed, then dipped into a vat of blue dye (woad or, later, indigo) to produce the once-famous "Kendal Green" (largely superseded by the brighter "Saxon Green" in the 1770s). Kendal green is a local common name for the plant.
DEO TOTA ("to the god Toutatis") and [VTERE] FELIX ([use this ring] happily")