Psychological nature of prophecy
Perhaps, Shadenfeude from yourself against yourself in another point in time, even across the black, yawning gaps of history that as body or soul you may never cross? Even beyond or before Eternity? Shadenfreude in seeing God and his doings---perhaps fated doings, to the end of his own survival or demise? The greatest joy of a viewer---an audience? Such is not perhaps the joy of prediction or retrodiction? That not we know and have power to know, to determine facts and fates, but that we can take joy in everything---since we are secure at the point of time in hearing prophecy----relatively secure, at least not entirely dead----against a worse fate and a worse fact that croaks dead or lives on with misfortune, even more pathetic than that current self who has heard the holy say? From this point onwards O I cannot view the audiences below the stage without a laughing mask! O unmask! Unmask! But I have no mask!
Sinners of all sinners, killers of God. Stranded in solitude, us, I, the hearer of this grand prophecy!