Balor of the Evil-Eye

That Irish giant is big as a mountain. He has a magic eye.
He is always sleeping.
The eye shoots out a swift and deadly javelin which is the size of a knoll.
It requires 13 little giants' might to pull the eyelids , it is mighty hard work;
but one it is open it shoots out deadly rays that could demolish an entire keep or castle; with this much power comes often the delusions of grandeur and megalomania, and perhaps the pursuant straight path to some misfortune or self-destruction, but as it is so worthy a thing every kind on earth desires it for their own use. There are some little dwarves of a distant tribe across the shore. They would like to use the eye for their gain in war. They travel to Ireland where the giant sleeps between the knolls. The little dwarves climb onto his shoulders. They crawl on top of his face and set with hammer and stake a sturdy wooden beam in between the giant's eyebrows. And go on to install pulleys attached to a hoist, roped winches, cranes and other ingenious machines they have devised and constructed by their ingenuity and hard-working attitude over the years.
With those ingenious appliances they attempt to put together an gigantic ingenium upon the face of the giant, in order to pull open his moist, tender and expansive eyelids in their wanton attempt to wake him up so he could flash out doomed death against their foemen over the horizon. It is hard work and back-breaking work, but they have decided for themselves that it is worth the trouble, as a whole city could be annihilated without much bloodshed, on their side. And the tactical effects of fear, devastation and confusion that would strike the enemies, would place them at much advantage in war---at the end, it might even render the foemen to choose readily complete and unconditional surrender and submission. that would be of great benefit to all the societies involved in this nasty business called war, they bethink themselves.
it takes 6 years for them to complete a wondrous force-ingenium to bend and manipulate the forces of nature in such a way, it would steadily and surely pull open the eyelids of the Irish giant, and with it the deadly ray that would trump any siege-engine ---which would lead to the enemies confusion, devastation and fear, that make the war favourable to those stand on their side and further bloodsheds could be prevented, if the foemen beyond the shores of their nation would readily announce their complete and unconditional surrender, and submission to their nation's gigantic justice.
it is finished now.
the great captain and chief-engineer of the project, after a careful round of inspection around all the parts and components that make the eye-lid opener engine work, and after he has checked and double-checked nothing by calculation of mathematical schemeta could be out of order, he gathers all those who had worked for the sake of completion of the giant's eye opener. He makes speeches. He quotes from a famous book. He sings and dances. And finally it comes to the time for the actual use of the siege engine. The well-trained personnels and soldiers break up into ranks and files naturally and instinctively. And the great captain and chief-engineer comes to the front.
With eyes upon the sky above, he does a heil. And then begins to yell a very learned order that means time for assault, with the eyelid-opener:
"(H)asselt! (Hazelnut)"
And the soldiers and crankmen does receive the order, for it is time to assault, and they move to their corresponded positions in the grand schemata of the eye-opener, and begin to operate the cranes and pulleys, gears and winches, pulling on the eyelid of the sleeping giant. 
after a moment, the next man in rank who decides it might drive the workers to work faster if the order is to be repeated more than one time, as it would remind them it is time for assault, and they should brace themselves for what is coming to them and the war---it would be a victory to be grasped sooner or later. the wind of fortune blows on their side. all will be accomplished and attained, through the ingeniums, wisdom and hard-working attitudes of people. So he, naturally and instinctively, begin to ape and do a mimicry of what the shouting of their esteemed captain and chief-engineer has cried out.
"(H)asselt! (Hazelnut)"
next, next man in rank thinks of this too. He find it very practical and meaningful wisdom indeed, and the initial order of war-cry should be repeated, to drive on the whole industrial and societal processes for war effort. Therefore, he too begin to ape and do a mimicry of what the shouting of their esteemed captain and vice-captain and project leader and senior leader of engineers have cried out.
""(H)asselt! (Hazelnut)"
Then one of the engineers also belonging to the consortium hears this, and find it amusing and truly meaningful in similar fashion, so he does this also.
"(H)assult! (Hazelnut)"
other engineers concurred.
"(H)assult! (Hazelnut)"
"(H)assult! (Hazelnut)"
"(H)assult! (Hazelnut)"
the soldiers who catch wind of this, thinking it some sort of order that the crankmen in the field need to hear, as it might be relevant to the operation of cranes, pulleys, winches and gears, so they start following the examples of engineers:
"(H)assult! (Hazelnut)"
"(H)assult! (Hazelnut)"
""(H)azzult! (Hazelnut)"
""(H)azsult! (Hazelnut)"
""(H)azzalt! (Hazelnut)"
""(H)assault! (Hazelnut)"
""(H)assault! (Hazelnut)"
""(H)assault! (Hazelnut)"
"H-assault (Hazelnut)"
"H-assault! (Hazelnut)"
"H-assault!! (Hazelnut)"
they hear this, and have prepared for themselves what is coming.
the ingenium has worked. the system of well-designed manipulation and distribution of natural forces has performed its designated Work to pull.
And the project leader and chief engineer thus cries, bracing for impact.
"Suan! (sleep!)"
And the laser from the deadly evil-eye of Balor was shot forth, and it indeed destroy one of the enemies' gigantic castle beyond the shore. Now portending perhaps the coming lasting peace, this is a well-earned (Hazelnut).
The Irish giant, in confusion was not able to know what is happening, only that there is a small army of dwarves dancing and yelling madly upon his shoulders and face, but he is too drowsy to think further. So he starts to close the eyelids the dwarves has spent 6 years and a great deal of money to brutally force open, and in between the realm of dreaming and wakefulness, his last fading consciousness in the world blurts out only one word, for no apparent reason other than being thoroughly annoyed by this weird worldly business.
Well, he is an Irish man after all.
