Ode to Urthona Urthona(大地の主)への賛歌

giver of sleepers rings, wait a moment longer!

let sound the bronze; the gong, the gyo (木)魚, the tombak and the thunder!

dispenser of dreaming beauty, deathly. linger!

the transient All but Nothing wants not itself away, go not yet thither!

let the herbal tincture of blue and scarlet not blend into the purple coffee!

the scent, not the bitter taste!

book of books hath not yet opened and shed its leaves, to me.

song of songs unsung, sea of seas unseen, for me.
who was born blind, deaf, and mute, can never listen and barely read.

the morning sky yet burns unto my eyes like a red moaning river! a persian

courtizan in flowing red sacred dress,

her naked limbs so tender! her lips so red.

her skin shining like golden sand of desert, 
warded from four corners with sky's blue divan.

she calles out for my oasis green--
my oasis green in my heart!

heart of hearts that flow like so, 

the waves of rosy fronds to and fro 

and the vortices of honeyed date that encapsulates

 the pink sweetness which is abundant and limitless like an ocean.

my ocean has seen bubbles but not the foam,

the rainbow is not yet harvested by the silver

the silver

the silver broken pieces of 

Moon-lit woe-ful
awe-ful tides of Time!

Giver of sleep, loaf-guard, milk-taker.

Shepherd great with feet astride over my ocean.

Pan! Hades! Poseidon! Urthona!

let the eternal bird dream in the morn,

with his star-crown settled among his folded wings,

the blue blue planet, his whole and fulsome dream.

and that woman he longs for, the pfantasm-gaia.

the mysterious blackness of earthly scent, 

his home, his abode, his eard 鳥(の)居, his bier.

the blackness of a dreaming island.

that has never known the blue tides of Man.

giver, take me not now while my dream stands.

 I compel ye to obey my commands.

"Father, I am thy Son, thine Owner, thy Master-Liberator."
Son, I am thy divine blueness so drunk, that it shall follow and pursue thee even after Death.
Brother of Mint, and Soul's Friend.
Let us sing, 

"Ad loca libanda Liber."
"Let there the drukenness where needs to be drunk."
O Dionysos! O Orc! O Man! O IO (of Eternal Joy)!

(嗚呼Dionysus ディオニュソス!嗚呼 Orc オーク! 嗚呼 Man 人! 嗚呼 IO ムゲンノヨロコビよ!)
