
みりん屋さんの砕月アレンジを英訳・再解釈 (再悲詩) a dolorum of みりん屋さ's saigetsu lyrical arrangement
Declaration that this is a work ex rebus Dolorum
この作品は再悲詩(Ex Rebus Dolorum)であることを宣言する
all sorrow is triumph and all triumph is sorrow
omnis dolor est triumphus et omnis triumphus est dolor.
I of the sorrows
Ego Dolorum
「再悲詩」のマニフェストーーー新しい詩の試み Manifesto of Dolorum---a new experiment of poetry |JTR777 (note.com)
東方萃夢想(Arrange) アレンジして歌ってみた。 - ニコニコ動画 (nicovideo.jp)
東方萃夢想(Arrange)をアレンジして歌ってみた。 - YouTube
「to be wind-blasted dew, eternal moonlight
「to You
"Heart of Sanglier, 猪の心を
Eternal True, 永遠の真実へ向かって"
雨には 雲間の音を
to the deserted caravan a song of mosque and bazaar waits,
峰には 岐の道を
to the hermits in the mountain, a cool and mossy cave,
夜明けには 想いの葉を
to the pigherd by the lake, a poignant and lonesome reed
君には花を 心には日々の種を
to Ye above the heaven of heaven, below earth of earth,
upon this scroll writ I the inky mist.
胸には 愁いの火を
only with a spark of wistful longing flying into the aether
-----as my mercury-lamp.
この手には 願いの葉を
I hold my rosary, bid my beads
made of scented sabine Junipiter*1
たおやかなる 水面を
knew that our union has already been complete…
when I flew to thy reflection,
at the surface of the Moon and the Sea.
花には彩を 鳥には声を 風には光る その月を
to the colours a bloom; to the echo a bird; to the torch, blowing-wind;
to the Moon, go!
きらり ふわり と ゆらめいて 明月の空の下
tottering, doddering, surmounting…I ride towards
the arch of night, and reach for that dangling
shining and peaceful poem-token with my lusty hands.
幼子は母の元へ 暗闇は人の傍に 陽は西へ 今日を連れて 雲は東の空へ
as Mother parted with Children through some subterrane tunnels,
wandering Man would finally fain returning to darkness' chaos,
in the caverns of Hell the Sun that dropped below the westerly horizon,
resplendent in flawless justice of Transcendent Death of Four Seasons.
Flee from me not, today.
The cloudy Mound, a Giant rises upon eastern soil in yet stranger tides!
"I am become Undeath, what thou has broken, I receive as its Cup and King!"
いつからか ここにあった いつまでも ここにはあった それだけが 当たり前が 今はただ美しい
Always, Always, returning to this onefold path, Eternal Ring beckoning.
I was gifted by the breaker of the Sleeper's Ring… Night swears her fealty to me!
花には愛を 鳥には詩を 風には映る その月を
To the flower, its beloved scattering.
To the birds, died, is in my song.
To the winds that grew still,
Moon is broken; there lies the Eternal Truth!
ひらり ゆらり と 捕まえて さかづきの海の中
amongst all toppling storms and tempests,
the Cup is silent. overruling all mortal madness.
the flow and ebb…I drink,
the flower and worms;
The bird and tears;
The wind and darkness;
The Moon and the Ocean.
I and my Death.
淡紅の 夢から醒めて 瞳隠した その一瞬に 大好きだったものたちは 遥か 私を置いて
awakening from that brown twilight vision…
my iris is dull, hidden by inky blackness, drunk profound.
so ever momently, momently. the marriage of the Sabine Man and his Oriental pair. ascends that dead Sol's chariot-carriage.
こんなに こんなにも 愛おしいのに
driving then the earth-spirits as horses; if heavens were slain,
the Hell burns bright with vigor underneath the hooves.
None shall escape our chase, for I am the World-Singer,
She its Philosophizing-Judge.
泣かないで どうか 悲しまないで 降り注いだ 涙の粒は この大地に 役目を果たして 空へと還るだろう
Upon the winds calling she sings a song- a lullaby,
of the destined meeting of the Gargantuan Faerie of the Moon rising from the fertile ground,
and the Dwarfish Titan of the Ocean falling from the empty sky.
In hearing, I did not reply.
Though once more that disease-wrought and age-bent arm spurs on the going winds,
sowing and blowing, full of ink-seeds.
and as the termination of evermore perdition may yet pass…
the seeds grow into thoughts, thoughts into words.
though when they bear fruit the warm sack of skin gave seeds life,
would have long been dead…passing and come to pass,
a zephyr ever eastwards…into even more poignant dreaming of reed,
lonesome; blown into many a cool and mossy caves,
and breaking all the golden sham-shadows and silver bubble-dream, that lies in the mosques and bazaars; the clouds hide the Sun in dying shame.
What belongs to the heaven returns to the Earth,
what belongs to the earth returns to the Heaven.
君のための この 世界の端で 両手いっぱいの歌を贈ろう いつか 還って来られるように また 旅立てるように
I hold my Ring of Return, I am the Ring-Breaker and -Giver,
to myself and to You; I am the Night, and thou art its Death.
The Day will never come. She was my birthing Mother,
But All Men leave their fortunate homestead…to go on sea-adventuring some day,
to meet the flower they saw in their boyish dreams…for this alone Man strives.
in a land faraway…the flower that sleeps in the deep and dank caves; drank mead and songs,
colours were her bed, sleeping and dreaming light.
then let me add to that stack of hay, some greenness, some berries…
a garland made of blue seeds for her head too…
born from manly wilderness of eternal solitude.
let she dream then, for awhile; an ephemeral darkness,
among eternal light.
"I am waiting for thy return, shynny Boy!"
That is the only sound that calls out to me; the world apart from it holds no music.
thus I go, and pace my steps in ink.
my agony become my notes, my yearning for love this Song.
おかえり きっと また 逢えるよね ずっと 待っているから
"And I'm Home".
"And I'm Home".
And I'm Home.
伊吹萃香の「伊吹」は多分これが由来 ('Ibuki' from the name 'ibuki suika' perhaps comes from this orginally:
イブキ(伊吹、学名:Juniperus chinensis)は、ヒノキ科ビャクシン属の常緑高木。 別名ビャクシン(柏槇)、イブキビャクシン(伊吹柏槇)、シンパク(槇柏、真柏)。多くの変種、品種がある。
(イブキ - Wikipedia)
Juniperus chinensis, the Chinese juniper (圆柏, 桧) (in Japanese called "伊吹")is a species of plant in the cypress family Cupressaceae, native to China, Myanmar, Japan, Korea and the Russian Far East.[1] Growing 1–20 metres (3+1⁄2–65+1⁄2 feet) tall, it is a very variable coniferous evergreen tree or shrub.
The Juniperus chinensis is one of the top species used in the Japanese art of bonsai, referred to as "Shimpaku." Among the multiple cultivars of Shimpaku found in Japan, the most desirable due to its tight, fine foliage and excellent growing habits, is the "Itoigawa" variety.[2]
(Juniperus chinensis - Wikipedia)
b) その結婚はすでに物理的に成立している。
Juniperus chinensisとJuniperus sabinaの交配種は、Juniperus × pfitzeriana(ファイツァー・ジュニパー、シノニムJ. × media)として知られ、栽培植物としても非常に一般的である。この交配種は低木としてのみ生育し、樹木にはならないので、小さな庭に適している。
オールド・ゴールド' [10]
サルファー・スプレー' [11]
the marriage has already occurred most physically.
The hybrid between Juniperus chinensis and Juniperus sabina, known as Juniperus × pfitzeriana (Pfitzer juniper, synonym J. × media), is also very common as a cultivated plant. This hybrid grows only as a shrub, never a tree, making it suitable for smaller gardens:-
The hybrid between Juniperus chinensis and Juniperus sabina, known as Juniperus × pfitzeriana (Pfitzer juniper, synonym J. × media), is found in the wild where the two species meet in northwestern China, and is also very common as a cultivated ornamental plant. It is a larger shrub, growing to 30–60 cm tall.
curiously sabine juniper produces "aetherial oil" called terpentine
All parts of the plant are poisonous due to several toxic compounds including ethereal oils.[5] (Juniperus sabina - Wikipedia)
which is called Terpene,
"The name "terpene" is a shortened form of "terpentine", an obsolete spelling of "turpentine".[6]" (Terpene - Wikipedia)
(turpentine is the chemical used to thinning oil-based paint,
basically used to thin or erase colours in oil-paintinings or paint on walls etc..
also a poor man's kerosene in struggling circumstances
Turpentine blended with grain alcohol was known as camphine or "burning fluid." It was used as a lamp fuel replacing whale oil until the arrival of kerosene during the Civil War. Roughly 1840 to 1865."
(Turpentine - Wikipedia)
,as a form of self-defense.
and also
"Terpenes are also components of some traditional medicines, such as aromatherapy, and as active ingredients of pesticides in agriculture." (Terpene - Wikipedia)
most curiously
"The 1939 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Leopold Ružička "for his work on polymethylenes and higher terpenes",[9][10] "including the first chemical synthesis of male sex hormones."[11]"
不思議なことに、ジュニパーはテルペンタインと呼ばれる「エーテル油」を生成する植物のすべての部分は、エーテル油を含むいくつかの有毒化合物のために有毒である[5] (Juniperus sabina - Wikipedia)テルペンと呼ばれる「テルペン」という名前は、「ターペンタイン」の時代遅れの綴りである「ターペンタイン」の短縮形である。 [6]」(テルペン - ウィキペディア)(ターペンタインは、油性塗料を薄めるために使用される化学物質であり、基本的に油絵や壁のペンキなどの色を薄くしたり消したりするために使用される。南北戦争中に灯油が登場するまで、鯨油に代わるランプの燃料として使われた。また、"テルペンは、アロマテラピーのような伝統的な医薬品の成分でもあり、農業における殺虫剤の有効成分でもある"(テルペン - Wikipedia)。(テルペン - Wikipedia)
(テルペン - Wikipedia)
d) Sabine (イタリアの部落の名前、なお彼らの国名)
The Sabines derived directly from the ancient Umbrians and belonged to the same ethnic group as the Samnites and the Sabelli, as attested by the common ethnonymous of Safineis (in ancient Greek σαφινείς) and by the toponyms safinim and safina (at the origin of the terms Samnium and Sabinum).[2] The Indo-European root *Saβeno or *Sabh evolved into the word Safen, which later became Safin. From Safinim, Sabinus, Sabellus and Samnis, an Indo-European root can be extracted, *sabh-, which becomes Sab- in Latino-Faliscan and Saf- in Osco-Umbrian: Sabini and *Safineis.[3]
At some point in prehistory, a population speaking a common language extended over both Samnium and Umbria. Salmon conjectures that it was common Italic and puts forward a date of 600 BC, after which the common language began to separate into dialects. This date does not necessarily correspond to any historical or archaeological evidence; developing a synthetic view of the ethnology of proto-historic Italy is an incomplete and ongoing task.[4]
Linguist Julius Pokorny carries the etymology somewhat further back. Conjecturing that the -a- was altered from an -o- during some prehistoric residence in Illyria, he derives the names from an o-grade extension *swo-bho- of an extended e-grade *swe-bho- of the possessive adjective, *s(e)we-, of the reflexive pronoun, *se-, "oneself" *(the source of English self). The result is a set of Indo-European tribal names (if not the endonym of the Indo-Europeans): Germanic Suebi and Semnones, Suiones; Celtic Senones; Slavic Serbs and Sorbs; Italic Sabelli, Sabini, etc., as well as a large number of kinship terms.[5]
Commensurate desart with sin,
the turning Orange Sun-Wheel upon my throat.
Now I would even not regret, to be banished eternally from all Truth,
for I am eternal ocean, live beyond all firm lands.
02 彼岸花 - 東方同人CDの歌詞@Wiki - atwiki(アットウィキ)
古代ウンブリア人から直接派生したサビネス人は、サムニ人やサベリ人と同じ民族集団に属していた。これは、サフィニス(古代ギリシア語でσαφινείς)という共通の民族名や、サフィニム(safinim)、サフィナ(safina)(サムニウム(Samnium)、サビヌム(Sabinum)という用語の語源)[2]によって証明されている。インド・ヨーロッパ語根の *Saβeno または *Sabh は、後にサフィン(Safin)となるサフェン(Safen)という単語に進化した。Safinim、Sabinus、Sabellus、Samnisからインド・ヨーロッパ語根、sabh-を抽出することができ、これはラテン語-ファリシア語ではSab-、オスコ-ウンブリア語ではSaf-となる:SabiniとSafineis[3]。
言語学者のジュリアス・ポコルニーは、この語源をさらに遡る。彼は、-a-が先史時代のイリュリア滞在中に-o-から変化したと推測し、再帰代名詞se-「自分自身」(英語のselfの語源)*の所有形容詞s(e)we-の拡張e-grade *swe-bho-の拡張o-grade *swo-bho-に由来するとした。その結果、インド・ヨーロッパ語の部族名(インド・ヨーロッパ人のエンドネームではないにせよ)が生まれた: ゲルマン語のSuebiとSemnones、Suiones、ケルト語のSenones、スラブ語のSerbsとSorbs、イタリア語のSabelli、Sabiniなど。
*»再帰代名詞se-「自分自身」(英語のselfの語源)の所有形容詞s(e)we-の拡張e-grade *swe-bho-の拡張o-grade *swo-bho-に由来するとした。«
Commensurate desart with sin,
the turning Orange Sun-Wheel upon my throat.
Now I would even not regret, to be banished eternally from all Truth,
for I am eternal ocean, live beyond all firm lands.
02 彼岸花 - 東方同人CDの歌詞@Wiki - atwiki(アットウィキ)