on Bathos (Philosophy Notes) ベイソスについて
Literary Bathos is undoubtably the proof of the existence of an superlingustical and transmundane Muse. the proof of Willpower for the sake of creation and self-affirmation.
obviously language can be a game which aim is to communicate, but thoughts are the player whose aim is enjoyable fun.
If one is enabled by his linguistic capacity and inured sphere of thoughts to desire an expression of the highest poetic sentiment, why wouldn't one be able to express it well in words? if interpretation and understanding of words are the sum total of our knowledge?
Willpower must came before knowing and interpretation.
Bathos is a sign that spiritus of poesy exists, it just lacks the proper education or the rational spirit of mankind is still insufficient to understand its beauty. I cannot think of any enunciation by human to be anything less than inspired Will for poetry.
Life as will-to-poetry. There is no simpler Power in the universe.