
【2】Return from a Faraway Planet 01

At any rate, I’m happy to hear that the warship-class captain of the Space Union is on his way to bring me back to Earth. The kindly old man who took care of me also came to bid me farewell(=say goodbye to me).
It would be a little frightening if the person coming to pick me up turned out to be a burly(=strong)-looking man resembling Space Battleship Yamato’s Captain Hijikata though…
Old Man: You’ll probably need your scouter from now on so I’ll let you have it. Mr. UFO, please touch down right here.
Beep Beep Beep

Hello! Hi everyone!

Me: Excuse me? Is that a 2nd grade kid from elementary school?
Old Man: It’s rude to judge a book by its cover! Despite appearances, he’s actually older than even me (=old man).
Me: I don’t really get it but whatever. Truly, thank you for all you have done for me up until now.

Old Man: The wavelengths of Earthling’s(=human's) bodies are quite chaotic(=disorganized), so they have a difficult time adapting to warp-speed travel. Because of that, it seems like it’ll take quite a few days to reach Earth, but please try to enjoy yourself. Goodbye!
<<I give my final thanks to the old man and went aboard the spaceship>>

Ami: Nice to meet you! My name is Ami! I look forward to getting along with you! Is it okay to call you ‘big brother’? Feel free to call me Ami ♡
Me: Yes, Captain Ami.
Ami: Ami comes from Amigo which is ‘friend’ in Spanish, so it’s unnecessary to call me Captain, big brother ♡
Me: Okay, Ami it is. Tell me, why do you look like a grade schooler?
Ami: Because if I looked like Captain Hijikata from Space Battleship Yamato, nobody would want to talk to me! Especially when it comes to dealing with children, looking like this is the best since it’s so cute ♡
Me: Ohh I get it, but for all this time I’ve had this image stuck (=remaining) in my head ↓↓↓

Ami: Hahaha! It’s because I sent you that inspiration a couple of times! It was just a little prank (^^). Ever since you were transported to that planet, your heart has become much cleaner, so you are now able to receive inspiration from me. If it was before I don’t think it would have been possible…

Me: How long will it take to get to Earth?

Ami: It’s about 70,000 light years away soooo… about 70,000 years if we’re going at light speed?♡

Me: Seriously? If that’s the case this ship will become my grave…

Ami: Hahaha (laughing) I’m just joking♡. If we go at normal warp speed it’ll take about a year! We have plenty of time, so let’s look at the current situation and history of a couple planets nearby!

Me: Now that you mention it, I remember Earth being laughed at as a “Grade-school level planet.” Is that true?

Ami: That’s right. Even though humans are brothers of the Earth, they spend all their time waging war. Also, they have lots of trouble trying to solve economic disparity. The whole Earth fails to adopt the spirit of “Sharing, Coexistence, and Forgiveness.”

Ami: Well then, let’s take a look at a YouTube video of a planet that’s about to graduate from grade-school.


Even on this planet, people were suffering from economic disparity, natural disasters like earthquakes, volcanoes, and bad weather.

Even so, the inhabitants waged war over resources and trivial ideological differences. Then came the inevitable complete economic collapse in earnest, causing many of its people to fall into despair.

As if that wasn’t enough, numerous natural disasters overlapped with the collapse and the people of the planet became completely unable to deal with their situation.

Then, some unnamed spiritual activists who aimed to integrate the religions of the world and to transform the planet into a ‘planet of love’ appeared and the people of the planet accepted their teachings and implemented them as one(=carry them out as one).

Tanks were turned into tractors, rifles and knives were turned into hoes, and people became able to transcend(=overcome) their differences and walk hand in hand.

They plowed the desolate(=destroyed) farmland together and sang songs of peace throughout their world.

Most people around the world pledged to overcome differences of race and beliefs and to live as one family in the spirit of “Sharing, Coexistence, and Synergy(=to help each other)” from now on.

At that moment, many UFOs descended from the heavens with a resounding “Beep Boop Beep…

The aliens therein congratulated everyone: “Congratulations! You all have finally graduated from a grade-school level planet! From now on you will become an official member of the Space Union and, together, we will work hard for the sake of the universe.”


Me: Was it really that easy for the people to believe the messages from the spiritual activists?

Ami: Initially, they were ridiculed and ignored by everyone. However, many of my friends in space have used their UFOs to demonstrate to the planet that things exist beyond human comprehension. By doing so, the UFO inspired activists who had the will to continue working towards "A Planet of Love".

Ami: Therefore, that world’s people became able to predict the ultimate(=miserable) outcome. The rest depended on whether or not they could implement (=carry out) the means to reach said outcome. This is how my UFO friends in the Space Union were working together behind the scenes.

Me: If you didn’t do something like that and instead interfered more directly with the people of the planet, shouldn’t it be possible for it to become a ‘planet of love’ sooner?

Ami: That’s no good. If you can’t realize it and put it into practice on your own, you can’t truly say that you actually understood it.

Me: Ami, what type of religion do you believe in?
Ami: Hmmmm… I don’t really follow religion in the same way that Earthlings would…
If I had to give it a name, it would probably be called ‘Spaceology?’ From the energy that moves the Earth around the Sun all the way down to the energy that lets electrons orbit around atomic nuclei, I believe these phenomena are ‘the energy of the Universe’s love’♡ 

Ami: If I were an Earthling, I suppose that it would be called Earthology wouldn’t it? We are existences with free will resembling those in “Cells at Work”, functioning and training on the planet’s surface. Despite such blessings, it is truly strange that no one expresses their thanks to the Earth. https://youtu.be/3tmW7rpXz7Y ← Link to『Cells at Work』 

Ami: Earth is a grade-school level planet, so the perceptions of the people therein are also at a grade-school level as well. There’s hell on Earth and it can also be a scary planet.
Ami: On Earth, there have been countless examples of people preaching great messages in the beginning, but over time they lose their way. The proverb “What happens to one today may happen to another tomorrow” may ring too true.
Me: Is the Earth really that scary of a place? Even though you look like a 2nd grader you’re saying some pretty terrible stuff…

Ami: So Today let’s watch a video of a planet that failed to graduate from grade-school♡
Me: They failed so is it okay to add in a ‘♡’?

On a distant planet, dozens of pillars of flame can be seen pluming into the atmosphere. Enemy countries have resolved to cross a line of no return: the explosive exchange of nuclear weapons.
Zooming in, a hellscape of agonized screams is revealed. Among the screams, however, the people who tried to spread a message of “changing the world to a planet of love” until the very end by risking their lives are rescued by an alien friend flying a UFO.
Elsewhere, a group of people in the remote mountains produce a pillar of smoke signalling “SOS.”
However, the UFO passed them by…

Me: Why were those people abandoned?
Ami: They were a people who decided to live in the mountains on their own, insisting that they have a safe and stable diet and drew a line in the sand from the parts of society they determined as ‘evil.’
Me: What’s wrong with that?

Ami: In the end, those people ran from the steps necessary to open the population’s eyes to ways of spreading love. For example, when filling a cup drop-by-drop, the last drop causes the cup to overflow. At a moment when the tensions of the world were at their peak and needed love the most, they abandoned their efforts to make things better.
That’s why the UFO did not rescue them. But, since we are beings with an ‘eternal soul,’ they will have another opportunity to get things right in the next life.
What is truly frightening, however, is the “resentment, grief, hatred, and despair” found in the evil thoughts of the people in the two warring countries.
These malicious thoughts that crossed the line hold the power to attract even comets to their chaotic planet.

**** Youtube ****
A few days later, a comet collided with the planet…
This is the inevitable result of the Law of Cause and Effect. At the time of impact, the planet was shattered completely and the planetary consciousness therein experienced unimaginable pain as it experienced death in 3-dimensional space.
(End of Youtube Video)

(To be Continued…)


言語交換 language exchange でお話ししている、アメリカ・ペンシルバニア州のアマート・イーサン(23歳)と、『お金を知らない星』を日本語で読み合っていたら、「ネイティブの英文に翻訳します」と言ってくれ、「それなら」と私もお願いしました。感謝! 

