2025/02/06 日本神話- 国のはじまり
Feb 6, 2025 ✨ 日本神話と「国のはじまり」
今日は 大明日(だいみょうにち)・一粒万倍日(いちりゅうまんばいび)・神吉日(かみよしにち) が重なる、とても縁起の良い日✨
『古事記』をひもときながら 「国のはじまり」 について学びました📖✨
🌿 国が若く、まだふわふわと浮いていた頃 🌿
「まるで水面に浮かぶ油のようだった」 と記されています。
その混沌とした状態の中、葦の芽がぐんぐん伸びるように生まれた神々 がいました🌱✨
🌿 宇摩志阿斯訶備比古遅神(うましあしかびひこぢのかみ)
• 「うまし」 は 褒め言葉を意味し、
• 「あしかび」 は 葦の芽 を指しようです
• 「ひこぢ」 は 成人男性という意味のようです
🌱 生命が芽吹くエネルギー を象徴する神様。
🌿 天之常立神(あめのとこたちのかみ)
• 「常立(とこたち)」 は 永遠に変わらず立つ という意味。
🌏 天地創造の流れの中で、
ふわふわと漂っていた国に 「しっかりとした基盤」 を築いた存在とされているようです
さらに “もしかして、ぷるぷるふわふわゆれてる神様?✨”
たしかに、最初は ふわふわ、
やがて しっかりと形が整っていく…。
その流れは 親子の成長 にも似ている気がします🌱
本ズワイフレークのだし巻き卵 🦀🍳✨
ふんわり焼き上げた だし巻き卵 に、
本ズワイガニの旨みたっぷりのフレーク を混ぜ込んだ
#日本神話 #古事記 #国のはじまり #宇摩志阿斯訶備比古遅神 #天之常立神 #最初の世界は喜びに満ちていた #ふわふわのだし巻き卵の神様 ? #和の心 #本ズワイフレークのだし巻き卵 #季節を楽しむ #mumuwawa #365DaysOfWa
Feb 6, 2025 ✨ Japanese Mythology and the Beginning of the Nation
Today is an exceptionally auspicious day, as it aligns with Daimyōnichi (Great Bright Day), Ichiryū Manbaibi (Day of Infinite Prosperity), and Kamiyoshinichi (Day Blessed by the Gods)✨
Continuing from yesterday, I studied “The Beginning of the Nation” from the Kojiki with mumuwawa 📖✨
🌿 When the Land Was Still Young and Floating Softly 🌿
The Kojiki describes how the world had not yet solidified,
saying that it was “like oil floating on water.”
Amidst this chaotic state, gods were born, sprouting like reeds growing vigorously. 🌱✨
🌿 Umashiashikabihikoji no Kami (宇摩志阿斯訶備比古遅神)
• “Umashi” is a word of praise, meaning beautiful and wonderful.
• “Ashikabi” refers to reed sprouts.
• “Hikoji” seems to signify a grown man.
🌱 A deity symbolizing the energy of life sprouting forth.
🌿 Ame no Tokotachi no Kami (天之常立神)
• “Tokotachi” means “eternally standing firm.”
🌏 Amidst the process of creation,
this god is believed to have established a solid foundation
in a world that was once floating and unstable.
After hearing this story, mumu smiled and said,
“So at first, it was a world where everything was praised!” ✨😊
Then wawa murmured,
“Like fluffy dashimaki tamago (Japanese rolled omelet)!” 🥰
And their imagination took flight,
“Maybe the gods were jiggly and fluffy, swaying around?” ✨😊💛
Indeed, things start off soft and undefined, then gradually take shape…
That process feels similar to how children grow. 🌱
Today’s Meal: Dashimaki Tamago with Snow Crab Flakes 🦀🍳✨
A fluffy Japanese rolled omelet
mixed with the rich umami of premium snow crab flakes,
soaked in savory dashi broth—a truly indulgent dish. 💛
As we enjoyed the fluffy texture, we pondered,
“What did it feel like when the land was forming?” 😊
Everything begins as something beautiful, wonderful, and filled with joy.
Exploring these ancient myths,
we were left with a sense of wonder, imagining what that world was like.
Wishing you all a day filled with gratitude and happiness! 💛✨
#JapaneseMythology #Kojiki #BeginningOfTheNation #UmashiashikabihikojiNoKami #AmeNoTokotachiNoKami #AWorldFullOfPraise #FluffyDashimakiEggGod ? #SpiritOfWa #SnowCrabDashimaki #EnjoyingTheSeasons #mumuwawa #365DaysOfWa