連作写真自画像:みる、みてる、みられる:ver, estar viendo, ser visto:to see, to be seeing, to be seen:Z40mm_1991
ver, estar viendo, ser visto
¿Desde cuándo será? Un hombre me estaba mirando. Al cabo de un rato, el hombre sacó una cámara enorme y empezó a manejarla torpemente. ¿Estará tomando fotos? ¿Podría dejar de hacerlo? No, ¿sería mejor detenerlo? Mientras pensaba eso, los dedos del hombre se movieron ligeramente. ¡Ah, me tomó una foto! Tal vez no sea ilegal. Sin embargo, no es agradable. Algo pesado se estanca en mi corazón.
to see, to be seeing, to be seen
Since when, I wonder? A man was looking at me. After a while, the man took out a huge camera and started to handle it clumsily. Is he going to take pictures? Could he stop doing that? No, would it be better to stop him? While I was thinking that, the man's fingers moved slightly. Oh, he took a picture of me! Maybe it's not illegal. However, it is still unpleasant. Something heavy stagnates in my heart.
![Morihiro Matsushiro](https://assets.st-note.com/production/uploads/images/59695/profile_eb01d5c3c6cf2d8cea737683a1546913.jpg?width=600&crop=1:1,smart)