(日本語はDeepL というAIでの訳です。AIって凄い😳😍言い回しが不自然だったら許してちょ。基本的には結構分かりやすい文のはず。)
ICUが比較的空いている時間帯や、忙しくない時間帯に、ICUの看護師が私の病室に手伝いに来てくれたこともあった(私が再発で入院したときにも、そのような "手伝い "があった)。
しかし、病院のベッドに横たわるっている時はまったく違う。三つ編みにするのはワクワクする! 加えて、私は公園で木登りをしていた頃よりも年をとっていた。
このような形は、健康な人にとっては小さな、取るに足らないものに見えるかもしれない。しかし、寝たきりの人間にとっては、随分と嬉しい。基本的に子どもから "大人 "へと、年齢的にはほとんど眠っている間に移行したのだ。私は何カ月も何カ月も、合算すると1年半以上、人工呼吸器装着していた。この間、麻酔が入っていた。麻酔薬を持続点滴で入れていても、人工呼吸器を使っていなかった時期もあった。こういう時もTIVAを使っていた。これがどれほど突飛な話に聞こえるかは分かっている。麻酔で意識があり、注意力があり、呼吸している人がいるのですか?〇〇の非常にアグレッシブな亜型では、GABAの産生か受容体が欠如しているか、あるいは両方が欠如している上に〇〇受容体も欠如しているんだ。薬剤にもよりるがが、特に脳幹・脊髄では効果が著しく減少する疾患。重症時に実際に投与される量は、象を気絶させるのに十分な量になるかもしれない。(像に関しては、憶測)私はある程度麻酔に反応したが、この疾患でない人の程の影響はなかった。
There were these times when nurses from the ICU came to my ward to help, when the ICU was relatively vacant, or less busy. (Such helping 'events' occured when I was admitted for a relapse.)
These people knew how to make a girl happy. I was growing my hair post-chemo. I had beautiful silky brown curly hair that was already probably longer than 30cm or so.
When the helper staff came around, they spent more time than the regular ward nurses.
I don't remember if they washed my hair in bed, but they frequently did these braids. Most of them knew how to do the more sophisticated version, french braids. They'd braid my super long hair while we chatted.
What we chatted about were just random stuff. But the braiding, french braids, I rarely got when I was healthy, since I had short hair most of my life and I didn't know how to do them.
I also was constantly outside, so I was preoccupied with all the fun I have outside, and never really decoted any time or effort to such beauty related stuff. (Needless to say, I was a Tomboy.)
But, lying in the hospital bed is completely different. Getting braids is exciting! I was also older than when I was climbing trees in the parks.
And, these people doing my hair were nurses I really liked. So, there were multiple factors at play that made this an exciting and spirit lifting event 😄.
I was chatting with them real time. The nurses from the ICU could read lips, so I don't know if I was talking with a voice, or chatting by them reading my lips. But I remember saying a word in a dialect, so I think I was off the vent (at least during the day) and was chatting with a voice.
During this time, I had an NG tube (nasogastric tube which was a feeding tube that passed through my nose, and went to my stomach.) Rather than just placing a square piece of tape to keep this tube in place, they'd cut the tape in different shapes. One was a heart, I think.
These geatures may seem something small, insignificant even, to healthy people. But to a bedridden person who basically transitioned from a child to "adult," age wise, almost in her sleep, given that I was on a ventilator pumped with anesthetics for months and months, a sum of over 18 months, with other times when I wasn't on the vent, yet still on TIVA. I know how far fetched this sounds. A person who's conscious, alert and breathing on anasthesia? Well, with a very aggressive variant of SPS, I lack GABA production or the receptors or lack both AND lack Glycine receptors. Depending on the drug, the effect is significantly reduced, especially in the spinal cord. The actual dose pumped in could be high enough to knock an elephant out. I responded some, but wasn't affected like non-SPS individuals.
Anyway, so I basically transitioned from a minor to a legal adult, but my development was on hold.
Perhaps it's childish, but these special treats really made my day. Actually, they made my week or even month😉
The hospital is a very unique environment.
There's magic in everything the staff does.
Live each day to the fullest 😉