04ー01ーSF/LD:Alvin Toffler "Future Shock"-未来の衝撃ー
去年から今年にかけて世界を回った時に一緒に持って行った本がこの本になります。今, 日本は自民党の総裁選や立憲民主党の新しい代表などの選出がされる時です。政治家の人たちはどのような日本の未来を描くのでしょうか?この半年も営業妨害や生活妨害の中で、なかなか筆が進まず、旅行記を終わらせる事ができませんでした。私が”未来の衝撃”を読んで、引用したくなったような箇所を抜粋したいと思います。
From last June until this February, when I traveled around the world, I brought this book with me. Recently, in Japan, there are campaigns to choose new leaders for the Liberal Democratic Party and the Constitutional Democratic Party. What kind of future do these politicians envision for Japan? Over the past six months, due to various disruptions in my work and personal life, I haven't been able to make much progress on my travel journal. I plan to read "Future Shock" first and extract some quotes that I find inspiring.
We may define future shock as the distress, both physical and psychological, that arises from an overload of the human organism’s physical adaptive systems and its decision-making processes. Put more simply, future shock is the human response to overstimulation.
Different people react to future shock in different ways. Its symptoms also vary according to the stage and intensity of the disease. These symptoms range all the way from anxiety, hostility to helpful authority, and seemingly senseless violence, to physical illness, depression and apathy.
Its victims often manifest erratic swings in interest and life style, followed by an effort to “crawl into their shells” through social, intellectual and emotional withdrawal. They feel continually “bugged” or harassed, and want desperately to reduce the number of decisions they must make.
To understand this syndrome, we must pull together from such scattered fields as psychology, neurology, communications theory and endocrinology, what science can tell us about human adaptation. There is, as yet, no science of adaptation per se. Nor is there any systematic listing of the diseases of adaptation. Yet evidence now sluicing in from a variety of disciplines makes it possible to sketch the rough outlines of a theory of adaptation. For while researchers in these disciplines often work in ignorance of each other’s efforts, their work is elegantly compatible. Forming a distinct and exciting pattern, it provides solid underpinning for the concept of future shock.
A society fast fragmenting at the level of values and life styles challenges all the old integrative mechanisms and cries out for a totally new basis for reconstitution. We have by no means yet found this basis. Yet if we shall face disturbing problems of social integration, we shall confront even more agonizing problems of individual integration. For the multiplication of life styles challenges our ability to hold the very self together.
Which of many potential selves shall we choose to be? What sequence of serial selves will describe us? How, in short, must we deal with overchoice at this, the most intensely personal and emotion-laden level of all? In our headlong rush for variety, choice and freedom, we have not yet begun to examine the awesome implications of diversity.
When diversity, however, converges with transience and novelty, we rocket the society toward an historical crisis of adaptation. We create an environment so ephemeral, unfamiliar and complex as to threaten millions with adaptive breakdown. This breakdown is future shock.
To understand this syndrome, we must pull together from such scattered fields as psychology, neurology, communications theory and endocrinology, what science can tell us about human adaptation. There is, as yet, no science of adaptation per se. Nor is there any systematic listing of the diseases of adaptation. Yet evidence now sluicing in from a variety of disciplines makes it possible to sketch the rough outlines of a theory of adaptation. For while researchers in these disciplines often work in ignorance of each other’s efforts, their work is elegantly compatible. Forming a distinct.
It is obstinate nonsense to insist,in the face of all this, that the machines of tomorrow will turn us into robots, steak our individuality, eliminate cultural variety, etc., etc. Because primitive mass production imposed certain uniformities, does not mean that super-industrial machines will do the same. The fact is that the entire thrust of the future carries away from standardization – away from uniform goods, away from homogenized art mass produced education and “mass” culture. We have reached a dialectical turning point in the technological development of society. And technology, far from restricting our individuality, will multiply our choices- and our freedom-exponentially.
Whether man is prepared to cope with the increased choice of material and cultural wares available to him is, however, a totally different question. For there comes a time when choice, rather than freeing the individual, becomes so complex, different and costly, that it turns into its opposite. There comes a time, in short, when choice turns into overchoice and freedom into un-freedom.
P402 新奇性へ反応
犬は耳なれない音を聞いたとき、耳をそばだてる。犬はまた首を音の方に向ける。そして人間も同じような動作をする。刺激が変化すると、実験心理学者が言っている“準備動作の反応”をひき起こす。この準備動作としての反応は、またOR反応(Orientation response)
ある状態におかれると、われわれはこのすべてのことを行う。そしてさらにきわめて明確な形の“驚愕反応”(Startle reaction)と呼ばれる反応を起こす。しかし、われわれは自分自身でなにが起こっているかはっきり気づいていないときも、こうした変化は、環境のなかになにか新しい理由については、ごく最近になって神経学の専門家仲間で注目をひくようになったが、人間はその頭のなかに特別な、新しいものを探知する装置をもっているからだということなのである。ソ連の科学者E・N・ソコロフはORの働きについて最も詳しく説明をしているが、この人は、脳のなかの神経細胞は、はいってくる刺激の強度、持続性、質、その起こる順序などの情報を貯えるのだと言っている。新しい刺激が加えられると、これらの刺激は大脳皮質のなかの“神経モデル”に適合するようになっている。そこでOR反応が起こるのである。しかし、もし適合しようとしているうちに、それがすべてに頭脳の中に貯えられているモデルで間にあうということがわかれば、大脳皮質はただちに網の目のようにはりめぐらされた作動システムに信号を送り、改めて指示をすることになる。いわば、ここで作動中止を命じるわけである。
“Life,” says Dr. Hinkle, “…implies a constant interaction between organism and environment.” When we speak of the change brought about by divorce or death in the family or a job transfer or even a vacation, we are talking about a major life event Yet, as everyone knows, life consists of tiny events as well, a constant stream of them flowing into and out of our experience. Any major life change is major only because it forces us to make many little changes as well, and these, in turn, consider of still smaller and smaller changes. To grapple with the meaning of life in the accelerative society, we need to see what happens at the level of these minute, “micro-changes” as we.
What happens when something in our environment is altered? All of us are constantly bathed in a shower of signals from our environment ―visual, auditory, tactile, etc. Most of these come in routine, repetitive patterns. When something changes into our nervous system is modified.
The routine, repetitive patterns are interrupted ―and to this interruption we respond in a particularly acute fashion.
Significantly, when some new set of stimuli hits us, both body and brain know almost instantly that they are new. The change may be no more than a flash of color seen out of the corner of an eye. It may be that a loved one brushing us tenderly with the fingertips momentarily hesitates. Whatever the change, an enormous amount of physical machinery comes into play.
When a dog hears a strange noise, his ears prick, his head turns. And we do much the same. The change in stimuli triggers what experimental psychologists call an “orientation response.” The orientation response or OR is a complex, even massive bodily operation. The pupils of the eyes dilate. Photochemical changes occur in the retina. Our hearing-becomes momentarily more acute. We involuntarily use our muscles to direct our sense organs toward the incoming stimuli—we lean toward the sound, for example, or squint our eyes to see better. Our general muscle tone rises. There are changes in our pattern of brain waves. Our fingers and toes grow cold as the veins and arteries in them constrict Our palms sweat Blood rushes to the head. Our breathing and heart rate alter.
Under certain circumstances, we may do all of this—and more—in a very obvious fashion, exhibiting what has been called the “startle reaction.” But even when we are unaware of what is going on, these changes take place every time we perceive novelty in our environment.
The reason for this is that we have, apparently built into our brains, a special novelty-detection apparatus that has only recently come to the attention of neurologists. The Soviet scientist E. N. Sokolov, who has put forward the most comprehensive explanation of how the orientation response works, suggests that neural cells in the brain store information about the intensity, duration, quality, and sequence of incoming stimuli. When new stimuli arrive, these are matched against the “neural models” in the cortex. If the stimuli are novel, they do not match any existing neural model, and the OR takes place. If, however, the matching process reveals their similarity to previously stored models, the cortex shoots signals to the reticular activating system, instructing it, in effect, to hold its fire.
In this way, the level of novelty in our environment has direct physical consequences. Moreover, it is vital to recognize that the OR is not an unusual affair. It takes place in most of us literally thousands of times in the course of a single day as various changes occur in the environment around us. Again and again the OR fires off, even during sleep.
“The OR is big!” says research psychologist Ardie Lubin, an expert on sleep mechanisms. “The whole body is involved. And when you increase novelty in the environment—which is what a lot of change means—you get continual ORs with it. This is probably very stressful for the body. It’s a helluva load to put on the body.
“If you overload an environment with novelty, you get the equivalent of anxiety neurotics—people who have their systems continually flooded with adrenalin, continual heart pumping, cold hands, increased muscle tone and tremors—all the usual OR characteristics.”
The orientation response is no accident. It is nature’s gift to man, one of his key adaptive mechanisms. The OR has the effect of sensitizing him to take in more information—to see or hear better, for instance. It readies his muscles for sudden exertion, if necessary. In short, it prepares him for fight or flight. Yet each OR, as Lubin underscores, takes its toll in wear and tear on the body, for it requires energy to sustain it.
Thus one result of the OR is to send a surge of anticipatory energy through the body. Stored energy exists in such sites as the muscles and the sweat glands. As the neural system pulses in response to novelty, its synaptic vesicles discharge small amounts of adrenalin and nor-adrenalin. These, in turn, trigger a partial release of the stored energy. In short, each OR draws not only upon the body’s limited supply of quick energy, but on its even more limited supply of energy-releasers.
It needs to be emphasized, moreover, that the OR occurs not merely in response to simple sensory inputs. It happens when we come across novel ideas or information as well as novel sights or sounds. A fresh bit of office gossip, a unifying concept, even a new joke or an original turn of phrase can trigger it.
The OR is particularly stressing when a novel event or fact challenges one’s whole preconceived world view. Given an elaborate ideology, Catholicism, Marxism or whatever, we quickly recognize (or think we recognize) familiar elements in otherwise novel stimuli, and this puts us at ease. Indeed, ideologies may be regarded as large mental filing cabinets with vacant drawers or slots waiting to accept new data. For this reason, ideologies serve to reduce the intensity and frequency of the OR.
It is only when a new fact fails to fit, when it resists filing, that the OR occurs. A classical example is that of the religious person who is brought up to believe in the goodness of God and who is suddenly faced by what strikes him as a case of overwhelming, senseless evil. Until the new fact can be reconciled or his world view altered, he suffers acute agitation and anxiety.
The OR is so inherently stressing that we enjoy a vast sense of relief when it is over. At the level of ideas or cognition, this is the “a-hah!” reaction we experience at a moment of revelation, when we finally understand something that has been puzzling us. We may be aware of the “a-hah” reaction on rare occasions only, but OR’s and “a-hah’s” are continually occurring just below the level of consciousness.
Novelty, therefore—any perceptible novelty—touches off explosive activity within the body, and especially the nervous system. OR’s fire off like flashbulbs within us, at a rate determined by what is happening outside us. Man and environment are in constant, quivering interplay.
Dr. René Dubos, author of Man Adapting, that such changeful circumstances as “competitive situations, operation within a crowded environment, change in a very profound manner the secretion of hormones. One can type-read that in the blood or the urine. Just a mere contact with the complex human situation almost automatically brings this about, this stimulation of the whole endocrine system.”
What of it?
“There is,” Dubos declares, “absolutely no question that one can overshoot the stimulation of the endocrine system and that this has physiological consequences that last throughout the whole lifetime of the organs.”