
Free PDFs

PDF materials for Japanese learners for all levels! Uploaded daily! 🔥


Dreams job for Japanese kids in 100 years - 1924 to 2023

Dreams job for Japanese kids in 100 years - 1924 to 2023

こんにちは!じゅりあです。Hi this is Julia the Japanese tutor.

What did you dream about being when you were little?
Mine was an archaeologist, inspired by ロビンちゃん from an anime One Piece!! XD

Here are charts ab

Kanji Calendar for June - Practice kanji per day!

Kanji Calendar for June - Practice kanji per day!

こんにちは!じゅりあです。Hi! This is Julia the Japanese tutor.
Seeing this page means that a half of this month is nearly over… How exciting! XD
I hope the first half of the year brought you a lot of smiles! So w

Counters that begin with H - Type 1

Counters that begin with H - Type 1

こんにちは!じゅりあです。Hi this is Julia the Japanese tutor! How is your studying life going?

One of my students seemed like she was struggling with the change of the reading both in the numbers and kanji, so h

Three writing systems in Japanese

Three writing systems in Japanese

こんにちは!じゅりあです。Hi this is Julia the Japanese tutor. 
Here is a set of PDFs about all the three writing systems - Hiragana, Katakana, and kanji used throughout in Japan! 
Japanese people use all of these

Homophonic Kanji List あ

Homophonic Kanji List あ

Hi all! こんにちは。じゅりあです。

Here is a frequently-asked question when I teach Japanese, especially kanji…

The more you learn kanji, the more you find the same-sounding kanji, and yes it's nearly endless. 

Kanji Calendar for May - Learn one kanji per day!

Kanji Calendar for May - Learn one kanji per day!

こんにちは!Hi all! This is Julia the Japanese tutor. 

A lot of various flowers started blooming, and the duration of daytime is getting longer and longer… It feels like the summer is right in the corner!

JLPT N5 word card for adjectives

JLPT N5 word card for adjectives

こんにちは!じゅりあです。Hi this is Julia the Japanese tutor. 
Here is a set of the PDFs with all the adjectives required to pass JLPT N5 (the easiest level at JLPT) !!

It is also categorised with the following

Convo chart - Buying foods at a souvenir shop in Japan

Convo chart - Buying foods at a souvenir shop in Japan

こんにちは!じゅりあです。Hi this is Julia the Japanese tutor. 
Here is a PDF for one of my students who was keen on practicing the actual phrases and conversation in Japan. This is the first attempt!

I hope this

Hiragana/ Katakana chart sorted in shapes!

Hiragana/ Katakana chart sorted in shapes!

こんにちは!じゅりあです。Hi this is Julia the Japanese tutor.
Have you struggled with looking for the correct letter when you read Japanese? 
"This looks similar but it's wrong… Where is the letter I need to read

Introducing sheet in Japanese

Introducing sheet in Japanese

Learn how to introduce yourself by completing this sheet like an entry sheet you write on an airplane! Lol

こんにちは!じゅりあです。Hi this is Julia the Japanese tutor. 

Here is a PDF sheet where you can learn

Brief summary of Kanji readings

Brief summary of Kanji readings

こんにちは!先生のじゅりあです。Hi this is Julia the Japanese tutor. 
When you come across an unknown kanji and look it up on dictionary, you will see two ore more readings categorised with "Kun yomi" and "On yomi" …

Essential phrases to work in Japan

Essential phrases to work in Japan

こんにちは!じゅりあです。How is your Japanese studying going?

Here are some essential phrases you might already know as a beginner, but they are sometimes used in a different way for a business occasion… Find th

Body parts (front side) in Japanese

Body parts (front side) in Japanese

こんにちは!じゅりあです。Hi this is Julia the Japanese tutor. 

Here is PDFs about body parts in Hiragana & Kanji!
Only the front side for now. The back side to be uploaded soon!


Your donations will hel

Structure of Kanji - Disassemble them in pieces!

Structure of Kanji - Disassemble them in pieces!

こんにちは!じゅりあです。How is your life?
Many students have said to me -
"Kanji are just bunch of lines!!" 
"They all look the same to me"
I feel how it is… And some Japanese who are bad at kanji think so too,
